Yellow-throated Vireo, Montibelli Nature Reserve, Nicaragua |
Yellow-faced Grassquit, El Jaguar Nature Reserve, Nicaragua |
“Maybe” a migrant Yellow-bellied Flycatcher , El Jaguar Nature Reserve, Nicaragua
I first called it a “Bush Tanager” but an expert corrected me on it. |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, El Jaguar Nature Reserve, Nicaragua
A really bad photo, but it does show I saw one! 🙂 |
Will I ever finish the Nicaragua birds? You may be asking that and I am getting closer to the end, but it is I believe the most different birds I have photographed on any trip, about 85 to 90 species. No exact count yet, but it beats my 2009 Costa Rica birding trip with about 50 species.
The Bush Tanager is a flycatcher. Difficult family to ID with one pic though I would venture to say a migrant Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Thanks again Stephen! I changed it here with a disclaimer and it is not even in my gallery. My Nicaragua Birds Gallery, by the way, is at: