Another of my regular garden butterfly visitors is the Juno Heliconia, Dione juno (Wikipedia link), also called Juno silverspot and Juno longwing. They are a nice sparkly butterfly like the checkerspots on the bottom of wings or side-views while all orange with black trim on top almost like another favorite, the Julia (though not as large). See my gallery of this variously named Dione Juno or check out my bigger CR Butterflies Gallery. This Juno is found from the southern U.S. down through Central and most of South America.

And more photos . . .
Dione juno, Costa Rica Dione juno, Costa Rica Dione juno, Costa Rica
¡Pura Vida!
Health Update
Nothing big, but a couple of tiny steps: 1) The radiation-caused bitter metallic taste constantly in my mouth has reduced and not near as bad as during my “funk.” But still not much taste from good food which I still can’t swallow much of. I’ve lost 10 kilos or about 25 pounds and down to where I should be weight-wise all the time! 🙂 2) The radiation had made my saliva thick like mucous which was gross and now it is more watery which is a big improvement for me. But still can’t eat much solid food. Living on protein shakes and soups.
Beautiful photos, Charlie.
Good to hear of even small improvements. Hopefully, pathfinders on the way to a full recovery of taste and ability to swallow.
Thanks Mary! And yes, even tiny steps of progress is good when one has been miserable! 🙂
I continue to pray for you Charlie. It is good to hear of small improvements. It is also good to see your beautiful photos and know that you are able to enjoy the beauty of nature.
Thanks for your prayers Robbie! They make a difference! And also my focus on nature helps me too! 🙂
Even tiny steps are a start in the right direction! I keep praying for some bigger steps and reduced swelling in your throat so you can begin to eat a bit more. I am happy to hear you are drinking the protein shakes and eating the soups which I hope helps a little.
Your photos are beautiful! I can just picture you sitting out on your terrace enjoying that wonderful view.
Thanks Bonnie! And your suggestions helped keep me healthier while not eating much! I know I’m moving in the right direction, even if slower than I want! 🙂