This morning I hiked up on the Titi Trail to try and find the Great Tinamou eggs another guest had photographed yesterday. FYI, the male Tinamou sits on the eggs, and when I got close he fluttered his wings loudly and flew towards me then up into a nearby tree, scaring me to death. 🙂 I suspect he was trying to scare me away from the nest, but rather he just showed me where it was. 🙂
They are about turkey-sized birds (fewer feathers) and semi-flightless. The nest was only about 6 feet off the trail at the base of a Traveling Palm. The sad thing was that there were only 3 eggs for me to photograph today and yesterday my fellow-traveler had photographed 5 in the same spot. Some animal probably had 2 Tinamou eggs for breakfast this morning. I did not get a photo of the adult that scared me, but I have some poor photos of one I made in the near-dark at Maquenque Lodge earlier in my Great Tinamou Gallery. To which I will add these two photos.
¡Pura Vida!