Yeah, that’s the real common name for this butterfly, Blushing Phantom, (link to Wikipedia article with very little info), the Cithaerias pireta pireta (Mexico to Colombia, Ecuador) also known as the “Pink tipped Clearwing Satyr” and the “Rusted Clearwing Satyr.” It is my first one to see and also the only “clearwing” I’ve seen with an eye spot! It was in the jungles of the archaeological site Guayabo National Monument, Costa Rica, so maybe it’s a prehistoric butterfly! 🙂
And for fun, a YouTube video of three more . . .
¡Pura Vida!
See also all my Butterflies of Costa Rica Galleries.
Or see my “Trip Gallery” 2022 Guayabo Lodge.
Is that “eye” on the tip of the right wing functional? Or, is it part of the butterfly’s beauty?
Never “functional” but the many different butterflies with “eyes” on the wings like the Owl’s Eye Butterfly and even the Blue Morpho have it to scare away predators, with the big eyes making it look like a bigger creature and therefore more dangerous than reality. 🙂
So it’s like an eye patch.
When you wear yours, you scare the bad guys away (somewhat like a pirate).
Smiles, L
Grrrrrrrrr . . . yur rite matey! But the good news is that I’m wearing the patch much less now as my eye is stronger and can handle mild irritations now, especially indoors, but on windy days when outside I always wear it. The problem is that it cannot blink. And life goes on regardless! 🙂