Siglo XXI Radioterapia, the private clinic that treated me post-cancer surgery asked if they could interview me on camera as a way of helping future patients understand a little more of what they will go through. So I did and it is now on YouTube with me speaking in English and of course they added Spanish Subtitles. I’m always embarrassed to see and hear myself on a video, but if it helps even one other patient face the treatment, then more power to them! 🙂
¡Pura Vida!
And that book in the feature photo can be previewed free at True Grit in my bookstore.
Wow, Charlie. John Wayne!! This is so wonderful and valuable and moving. Others can truly benefit from this and I’ll share it.
And I’m so thrilled about your good medical care there!!
Thank you Ellie! I think I look and sound funny and don’t get to hear myself talk much, so slow and so southern! 🙂 But what you see is what you get! 🙂
This clinic is so professional and for them to hire a video company to make this for them speaks well of their quality work. They have a whole YouTube Library of videos for their patients.
Charlie, you continue to be such an inspiration. You are a powerful messenger of hope, kindness, and positivity in the world. Blessings to you.
And you, Shannon, continue to be so kind to me! I think I look and sound funny in the video, but if it helps even one future patient face the ordeal of radiation, then I’m glad I did it! 🙂
Charlie!!! You are a star!!! Way to go!!!
Shannon, you said it so perfectly!!!