I read three things today that helped me realize again how fortunate I am to be living in such an amazing little country as Costa Rica! AND how much I have slowed down, calmed down, and embraced nature since I’ve been living here, eight years this coming December! Here’s links to the three inspirational articles I read today . . .
A 29 year old young man lists: 6 Ways Traveling In Costa Rica Changed My Life
And all 6 of his ways are true for me too! At the other end of life from that young explorer, but feeling the same way about Costa Rica! 🙂 The above linked title is to his article in the online English language newspaper, Tico Times. Check out the 6 ways his life changed.
Another Retiree in Atenas says: A Day With No Plans is Perfect For Inner Exploration
Marietta shows how much wiser she is than me by posting only one blog post a week, every Sunday, called “Marisundays – Musings on Life, People, Nature.” And as she does many Sundays, she shared today about a walk with her dog Lila, saying:
“She and I are both slowing down, fortuitously I think, because it allows us to take in the gifts of Nature in our own way. She sniffs the ground and listens for intruder iguanas while I observe the flowers, birds and butterflies that gather in the spaces. Our walk contributes to our well-being.”
Another Blogger Reminds Me: “Beauty Is Everywhere”
Mike, a retiree in Virginia, blogs “My journey through photography,” mostly on Dragonflies but all nature, like I do on birds and butterflies + other nature. My inspiration from him today was his statement that . . .
“…beauty can also be found in ordinary things. When we slow down and look closely, we discover that beauty is everywhere.”
¡Pura Vida!