Well — he’s an immature Green Iguana “I think,” but the immature Black Iguana is also greenish, so he could technically be either one (though I think the face looks more like the green). But the last adult iguana I had here was the Black Spiny-tailed Iguana, so maybe that’s more likely. 🙂 Juveniles are difficult to ID for certain!
This one just happened to be in my casita’s gutter when I was on my morning garden walk the other day. I don’t see iguanas around my house very often, but when I do they often climb the trees to get away from me which makes it easy for a young one like this to jump over on the house roof. I doubt they find much to eat around my house which is why I seldom see one. A full-grown Iguana is more than twice the size of this one! (Green or Black) 🙂
And yes, I was looking down on my roof and gutter because I live on the side of a hill with this property’s “big house” being uphill from me. I just walk up the driveway a bit to look down on my little house roof. 🙂
¡Pura Vida!
See my Green Iguana Gallery
Or the other kind of iguana on Pacific Slope only:
The Black Spiny-tailed Iguana Gallery
Both types are in Atenas. We are on Pacific Slope.
Weekly from the Tico Times English Newspaper
I’ve been sharing their weekly Wildlife Article and will continue, but decided to add sharing a new link to their 3-4 minute “Weekly News Summary” video for those interested in what is going on here without reading all the articles. 🙂
- Tico Times Wildlife Article: Northern Tamandua Anteater
- I’ve seen and photographed only two of these elusive mammals during my 8 years here. See them in my Northern Tamandua Gallery with only 2 photos!
- Tico Times Weekly News Summary Video on YouTube
- FYI: The Tico Times website is adding new articles daily in English and you can go there anytime to see what is happening or the “breaking news.” But I have chosen to receive a weekly email compilation summary of article links which I receive on Sundays and from that I share select items of interest on my Monday blog post.
- If you are considering a move here, I think it good to have at least this minimal English language news and for those serious about learning more of Costa Rica, then you could subscribe to the Costa Rica Spanish language main newspaper La Nacion, which is available in English, but again if that serious I hope you are also learning Spanish! 🙂
- And yes, we had a tiny earthquake this past week but not serious enough for injuries or deaths, just some damaged roads and maybe cracks in some buildings. I felt the vibrations here in Atenas, but no visible damage here. 🙂
¡Pura Vida!
I’d agree on Green
Thanks Steve! It’s good to have my “inclination” confirmed! 🙂