🙂 I say that because they are not always green as anyone who visits the tropics has noticed. I especially enjoy the males in mating season when they turn bright orange (not this time, though you can see them in my gallery). This time they were green to brown or greenish brown with some blue-gray and one black. And yes, I know that there is one called a “Black Spiny-tailed Iguana” or the “Common Spiny-tailed Iguana” (Ctenosaura similis), but it’s features are different and it lives only along the Pacific Coast and thus would not be at Maquenque Lodge which is on the Caribbean Slope where only the “Green Iguana” (Iguana iguana) lives. And it is interesting to note that the babies of both species are bright green. 🙂
Below are 4 more photos (in different colors) from this trip and then a link to my photo galleries of both species of Iguanas . . .
And for you who would like to see more photos, check out my Costa Rica Wildlife Photo GALLERIES (for even more colors!):
- Green Iguanas in Costa Rica
- Common Spiny-tailed Iguanas in Costa Rica
¡Pura Vida!