I’ve been in one of those creative moods and just churned out a 28 page photo book that is both biographical and a nature photo book! In brief paragraphs I share how nature provided healing at each of several traumas or losses in my life. Not a book for the larger public maybe, but a good cathartic expression of the ups and downs of a life full of both adventure and tragedies, plus the healing of nature at every turn. I use quotations throughout to highlight the healing. You can preview the book electronically at Life Tranquility by Charlie Doggett | Blurb Books or just click this image of the front cover:
¡Pura Vida!
Your book is really moving. I agree that nature has healing properties to it. I know that my greenway walks and yardwork help me right my world.
Thanks Robbie! I knew that you were involved in nature too and everyone who is has found it helpful with life! It is almost an editorial opinion article, but was fun to put together and summarize what I’ve been through and how nature often rescued me! 🙂