Wildflowers or Weeds?

All of these are tiny that have just popped up between my planted flowers or even in the grass that wasn’t cut by the weedeaters. They all attract butterflies and I think some of them are beautiful in their own simple ways. Below, after one shot, is a gallery of 6 different species.

Wildflower or Weed Flower? Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

Explore all kinds of tropical flowers in my Flora & Forest Galleries.

¡Pura Vida!

3 Replies to “Wildflowers or Weeds?”

    1. Great question Steve! A plant is a plant and we don’t have to call ones we don’t want “weeds!” I was kind of thinking like you with the question title on the post. Some of these tiny “weed flowers” are just as pretty as the bigger cultivated ones and attract as many or more butterflies! 🙂

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