Great Southern White

When I first came to Costa Rica, I had trouble identifying this species, but I’m relatively certain now, with specific characteristics: Turquoise tips on their antennae, yellow spot behind each eye and at joint of each hind wing, bluish-gray body, plus the dark brown or black “arrow-head” trim on the forward wings. The males are otherwise solid white while the females have a slight brownish hue to the white. You can see the differences in my Great Southern White Gallery. These photos are of a male. To help you see all the characteristics, I’ve included here from a recent sighting in my garden, 3 views: Top of wings, bottom of wings and a folded wings side view, the three views I try but seldom get when photographing all butterflies. 🙂

Side View, Folded Wings, Male Great Southern White, Atenas, Costa Rica
Top of Wings View, Male Great Southern White, Atenas, Costa Rica
Bottom of Wings View, Male Great Southern White, Atenas, Costa Rica

See more photos of this beautiful butterfly in my Great Southern White GALLERY.

And if you like the simple beauty of Whites, see the other similar galleries in the folder: Pieridae – WHITES, YELLOWS & SULPHURS (31+) and yes, that means 31+ different species of these subtle white to yellow butterflies! Pieridae is not my biggest family collection, but certainly interesting!

¡Pura Vida!

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