Tranquil Canoeing

Though I did not use the canoes on this visit to Maquenque, I snapped a couple of shots of others canoeing, which is no extra charge as a part of your stay in Maquenque. It was especially fun to hear little children gleefully trying to paddle and manipulate their canoes around the lake! Though this is the “tourist low season” (rainy season), the lodge was mostly full all five nights I was there and mostly visitors from Europe with the French outnumbering the others, then British second, Germans third. and then Canadians. I love the international experience of traveling inside Costa Rica and getting acquainted with some of the people. 🙂

Canoeing on the lake at Maquenque Eco Lodge, Costa Rica
Canoeing on the lake at Maquenque Eco Lodge, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

Maquenque Eco Lodge Website

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