2 Satyrs at Maquenque

There are many species of Satyrs (mostly very small) at Maquenque Eco Lodge or almost anywhere else you go in Costa Rica, but I photographed only these two on this visit. The Carolina Satyr , Hermeuptychia sosybius, is one that I also see regularly in my garden in Atenas, while the Simple Satyr, Magneuptychia alcinoe, I’ve seen two other times (At Hotel Banana Azul & Xandari Resort). Those names are linked to my gallery on each, if you wish to see more. Or if you explore my Brushfoots Galleries you will see that I have photos of 21 different species of Satyrs! And to me they are all amazing! 🙂 Here’s the two seen last week . . .

Carolina Satyr, Maquenque Eco Lodge, Costa Rica
Simple Satyr, Maquenque Eco Lodge, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

Maquenque Eco Lodge Website

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