Green Ibis Pre-Rain Fishing

When on a boat on the Rio San Carlos and we saw these two Ibis, I first thought they were vultures, based on their perching stance and dark color, but they are Green Ibis which are not always green in color! 🙂 It was cloudy and about to rain and they were looking for some fish to eat. 🙂

If you look in my Green Ibis Gallery you can find some with a greenish hue, but many tend to be dark brown or near black with sometimes a reddish-brown hue. I don’t know why. If you look close, these seem to have a greenish hue on their necks and the base of their beaks, and that is all! 🙂 Here’s one shot. Go to the above gallery to see more.

Green Ibis, pre-rain fishing, Rio San Carlos, Maquenque Eco Lodge, Boca Tapada, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

Flash News: I have Covid!

All those 2+ years of rampant Covid in 2020-2021 and I never had it! (Though I had cancer which is worst!) 🙂

Well, I came back from my trip not feeling my best and it kept getting worse, aching all over like the flu, sore throat and coughing, runny nose, etc. I went to the public clinic ER and they thought I had Dengue Fever, but after two days of blood tests, they said “No, not dengue!” Then told me to take lots of fluids and rest. Not being satisfied with that, I went to my private clinic and Dra. Candy immediately got a Covid Test on me and it was positive. I have several meds to take and I’m quarantined for 5 days, clear again next Wednesday. It’s the bronchitis, coughing and phlegm that bother me the most. Tylenol takes care of the fever. Just be glad when it it gone! 🙂

4 Replies to “Green Ibis Pre-Rain Fishing”

  1. Charlie, so sorry you got covid! The first place you went to must not be a very good health provider. My daughter has had it twice and no problem diagnosing it immediately!

    Take care of yourself!


  2. I’m so sorry to hear this! Please rest and take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon! We are all thinking of you and sending our prayers!

    1. Thanks so much Bonnie! My lifetime of bronchitis or other bronchial problems seems to keep it focused there but with medicines I’m already feeling a little better. And Tylenol helps too! 🙂 It reminds me of the flu.

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