Atenas “Oxcart Parade” & Related Activities 2024

I’m posting this because many local people don’t seem to know about it or when what is happening. In short, what expats call the “Oxcart Parade” is at 11 am on Sunday 11 August. You can figure out the rest. 🙂

¡Pura Vida!

4 Replies to “Atenas “Oxcart Parade” & Related Activities 2024”

  1. Please post pictures of the parade for us. We are excited about seeing the carts parade. Also the parade costumes with the papier mache heads!
    You have been doing a great job lately.

    Ellen and Charlie

    1. Ellen, My photos of such events since moving here are in this photo gallery:

      The paper mache masks are not a part of the oxcart parade but have their own holliday, “Day of the Masks,” though one high school includes them in the Christmas Parade usually. 🙂 Everything stopped for 2 years or more during Covid (21-22) and the oxcart parade was moved from April to August last year and I missed it then.

      I’m getting too tired at these parades now and may not continue going. They last for hours.

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