Red-spotted Scrub-Hairstreak

Not new for me, but semi-rare and found only in Central America & Mexico. Red-spotted Scrub-Hairstreak, Strymon ziba (linked to my gallery) is another one of those very tiny, fingernail-sized butterflies and this one I’ve seen only in my garden. You can see a few other photos from other countries on the page.

Red-spotted Scrub-Hairstreak, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

4 Replies to “Red-spotted Scrub-Hairstreak”

  1. Wonderful Blog! I am a big nature lover too. I am mainly interested in gardening and experimenting with various things related to gardening. I wish you a stroke of great luck!

    1. Thank you Dr. Nazir!
      Focusing on nature in my retirement has meant that a life with major losses and disappointments is ending in a great joy that jumped up to an even higher level when I moved to Costa Rica! ¡Pura vida!

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