How to Subscribe to this Blog?

Someone just wrote with that question and I thought I would share my answer to him with everyone and hope you share it with anyone you think might be interested in my nature-centered blog!

It is a fairly simple process, though as with most technology, it requires multiple steps. . .

  1. Go to any blog post or the blog page (linked)of my site.
  2. First item at the top of the right-hand column of the page or post is “Blog Subscription by Email.” 
  3. Simply type in your email address where indicated. 
  4. CLICK the Subscribe Button.
  5. You will soon receive a computer-generated email to confirm that you are a real person and not a robot subscribing. YOU MUST RESPOND TO THAT EMAIL TO SUBSCRIBE. (That is WordPress’ security step.) You will then receive an email notice of each new post I publish. You can easily unsubscribe by clicking a button at the bottom of any post. 

And for those who prefer a language other than English, note that the next item in that right-hand column is a Google Translate option.

¡Pura Vida!

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