Rounded Metalmark

This tiny little butterfly was one of the most seen in my garden last year, but not nearly as much this year. This particular Rounded Metalmark, Calephelis perditalis (my gallery link) I believe is unique to either Costa Rica or Central America and should be a subspecies or new species, but this is where BAMONA says to put it for now and even though the ones on iNaturalist CR are darker, they are certainly in the same family as my usually more brilliantly colored observations (see my gallery). And for what it is worth, I travel all over Costa Rica but have only seen this fellow in my garden here in Atenas, Alajuela. 🙂

Rounded Metalmark, Calephelis perditalis, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Rounded Metalmark, Calephelis perditalis, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

I voted!

That’s in the U.S. that is. Mailed my ballot in last week to Nashville, as that is where I last lived before moving here and where I must vote. I cannot vote here in Costa Rica because, though a “Permanent Resident,” I am not a “Citizen” which is too much trouble for an old man and really no good reason. I just keep my U.S. Passport updated and pay lots of U.S. taxes! 🙂 My vote for Harris-Walz won’t help with the electoral college votes in a red state, but maybe it will help get rid of Senator Marsha Blackburn! 🙂 Hopefully someday the electoral college system will be changed or eliminated so the majority always wins!

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