2 Different Hawks! But . . .

Yesterday morning, just before leaving the Caribe, I was excited to have photographed two different hawks, one, I knew for sure, was a Common Black Hawk, Buteogallus anthracinus (my gallery link), but I had to wait until later to identify the brown one. Well, I should have known! But just haven’t been photographing many birds for a long time and didn’t remember that the juvenile Black Hawk is brown & speckled like this.

They were about 50+ meters apart, but both along the beach road, and I’m guessing that the adult was his Mom or Dad (probably Mom) and she seems to be holding something in her claw, like some food in case Junior doesn’t catch his breakfast in the marshy woods. 🙂 That is just like some of these Costa Rican moms who spoil their sons! 🙂 Here’s pix of Mom (or Dad) first and then the son (or daughter) . . .

Common Black Hawk Adult, Hotel Banana Azul, Puerto Viejo, Limón, Costa Rica
Common Black Hawk Juvenile, Hotel Banana Azul, Puerto Viejo, Limón, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

Breakfast with a TN Friend Today

Back in 2014 when I took the “Live in costa Rica Tour,” one of the other participants, John, was the only other one of us from Tennessee and on top of that, from Williamson County, a suburb of Nashville where I had lived more than 30 years, but we never knew each other back then (different circles of friends). He earns his income from rental property in Tennessee and the Dominican Republic and wanted some here too, before retiring and moving here. The time has come!

He later came here and stayed at my house while looking at income-producing rental properties to buy and I even went to one beach area with him to check out getting one there too, but he decided no (too expensive!), though he did buy a condo here in Atenas very near Roca Verde where I live. It stayed rented until he recently sold it and bought a house up the hill from me here in Roca Verde that he is going to “fix up” and move here with his wife and two kids. Soon, he hopes!

They all arrived yesterday from Nashville and are staying in Hotel Colinas del Sol, just 3 blocks from me! So I’m going down there to have breakfast with them this morning, answering a lot of questions, talking to their kids about nature spots here, etc. 🙂

They will of course visit their future home, but also must meet with a lawyer in San Jose on their residency paperwork and work with someone on the remodeling of the house, plus many other nitty-gritty things for such a life change! 🙂

A busy week for them and it happens to be a busy day today for me with breakfast at 7, my spanish class at 9, grocery shopping, then work on tomorrow’s blog post! Plus continue to process hundreds of photos from the Caribe Sur trip! So I can share with you! 🙂

¡Pura Vida!

2 Replies to “2 Different Hawks! But . . .”

  1. Charlie, thank you for taking time each day to share your world with us. We are surrounded by beauty in Tennessee, but we don’t see the world as you do.
    It’s a great way to start our day, seeing and enjoying your take on nature.
    What a great teacher you will be for the children moving there from TN.

    1. Much thanks Bonnie! I had breakfast with them this morning and gave them one of my photo books of birds. I’ll see them at dinner tonight and maybe other times this week. They will not move here until next year. New neighbors from TN of all places! 🙂 Small world!

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