A Yankee Doodle Endorses Kamala Harris for President

The White House, I photographed on my 2013 visit to Washington, D.C. (year before CR move)

If ever a patriotic American should take a strong stand in an election, it is this year and with this presidential election, thus my once every 4 years political blog post.

It is beyond my understanding how this election could possibly be close, because I still believe that the majority of Americans are honest, patriotic, defend the constitution and what has been the strongest democracy in the world. Yet here we are! How could it be a close election?

The differences in the two candidates are like daylight and dark! I invite my Republican friends to follow the many other Republicans and denounce the convicted criminal, liar, rapist, racist, fascist, mean old rich man and vote, at least this once, for the democratic candidates, Harris-Walz!

I no longer identify with my lifelong church and work, Southern Baptists, or any of the related Evangelicals for what I consider “unChristian” support of Donald Trump and his Republican minions. But friends, I know that many of you want to follow Christ, so I ask you to simply ask yourself that old “WWJD” question from our youth – What Would Jesus Do? There is no doubt in my mind! Thus I vote Harris!

In 2013 when I visited D.C. I also wrote this poem for my July 4 birthday with photos from a 2005 Everglades National Park visit. 🙂

God bless you and God bless the United States of America!

Charlie Doggett, Retired in Costa Rica Blog, charliedoggett.net

¡Pura Vida!

Issues – Kamala Harris for President: Official Campaign Website

11 Replies to “A Yankee Doodle Endorses Kamala Harris for President”

  1. Totally agree with every statement you made in this blog post, Charlie! I voted October 16 early voting for Kamala Harris and other Democratic candidates down the line here in Tennessee.

    1. Thanks Reagan! This election should be a landslide for Harris but there are a lot of crazy haters out there, so I will be watching the election closely on the evening of November 5 or it could be the next day. 🙂

  2. Totally agree with all your statements, Charlie. I have already voted for Kamala Harris in early voting this week.

  3. You are absolutely correct. However you left a few important things out:
    1:he is a compulsive and pathological liar
    2: has never displayed any empathy for others
    3: a proven track record of an absence of personal or business ethics
    4: a long line a business failures ( how does a casino go bankrupt?)
    5: a con man of epic proportions
    6: has geo political understanding of a 6 th grader ( according to his former staff)
    7: has displayed disinterest in the constitution
    8: openly admires , even his love, for violent dictators
    9: has stated he does not intend to be bound by constitutional barriers
    10: mocks and ridicules veterans who gave their lives
    11: a blatant draft dodger
    12: has displayed blatant ignorance of important science matters
    ——- yes I have voted!

    1. Wow! That is quite a list of truths about Trump! And there could probably be more! 🙂 My post also might have been a lot longer with a lot more info, but my main object was to just state my endorsement and repeat where I stand on U.S. politics. I think that is clear.

      If Harris does not win, it could be the beginning of the collapse of the United States of America. I’m hoping that she wins by a surprisingly large landslide, including more than one “Red State.” The daily political news is like reading an exciting mystery book! 🙂 Hopefully we will know early on November 6!

  4. Hi Charlie,

    Kevin and I voted this morning. Blue all the way.

    With the rules on how a state like Pennsylvania processes mail-in ballots, I would love to know how the election turns out by November 6th, but it may be more like 2020, and we don’t know for a few more days. I’ll just have to work at not stressing out while we await the results.

  5. Glad you have already voted as have I! And even though there are a lot of “ifs,” I’m still hoping for a large number of Republicans to vote for Harris and maybe even some “red states” to go blue this time! We will see! I think there is a possibility of a surprise landslide for Harris. Hoping so! And that Gloria will beat Marsha!

  6. We could not agree with you more! Tom and I are definitely voting for Harris and Walz. It is shocking to me to see the polls so close. I am afraid to even think of what could happen if Trump should win. You are right, everyone should ask “WWJD”.

  7. Thanks Bonnie! And vote early if you can there! It has been depressing to see so many that were a part of my church for years to fall for such a charlatan as Donald Trump. I’m hoping for a surprising upset of him and most Republicans this year. Polls have been wrong before.

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