
WELCOME to my website! Explore the Menu above and by clicking Blog you see all the blog posts listed chronologically with most recent on top. By using “categories” or “Search” boxes at right of the blog you can find specific topics. Also in the right column is a box for you to subscribe to an email notice of each new blog post. Be sure you reply to the “confirm” email WordPress will send you! WELCOME to “Retired in Costa Rica!”

Latest Blog Post Excerpt is Below:

  • Palm Berries Feast - These berries on one of the very tall palms in my garden are shown here feeding a Great Kiskadee, Pitangus sulphuratus (my gallery link) while other Kiskadees and Yigüirros wait their turn on a limb of my nearby Cecropia tree (though occasionally there were 2 or 3 birds on this cluster at the same time). …

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