At that time you graduated from Boy Scouts to Explorer Scouts at age 14, thus just as I began my 9th Grade year or last year in El Dorado. My Explorer Post there was affiliated with Troop 29 and I became a “Junior Assistant Scoutmaster” briefly before leaving. At Second Baptist Church El Dorado we had a progressive system from Cub Scout Pack 85 to Boy Scout Troop 29 on to Explorer Post #? (I forgot #). Bigger boys like to try to lead smaller boys and Scouts used that as a part of the organization there, automatically taking on more leadership responsibility as you advanced through the Scouting program. The Explorer moment for me was brief in El Dorado and even though I transferred to a post in Tulsa, it was never the same and did not last a long time there. My scouting years as a boy were slowly fading away.
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