FLIP Reading Tutor
Through the local “FiftyForward RSVP” (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) I work as a FLIP (Friends Learning In Pairs) Reading Tutor at a local elementary school near where I live (2013-2014). I’m assigned 4 students, two each in First and Second Grades, a boy and a girl in each grade. They are all delightful to work with every Tuesday morning, 30 minutes with each child. I always start by asking what they are reading at home as a not too subtle suggestion that they read at home. They read to me from their current reading text, sometimes needing help. Then I guide them through a reading comprehension workbook or some other learning activity. I trust it is making a difference. The photo was made by my supervisor when I was helping my First Grade boy with some vocabulary. We do this from late September through the middle of April during all weeks school is in session. It is fun and hopefully making a difference!
I originally had a YouTube video here of me on the FLIP Program, but it has now been removed from YouTube.
Below is an article from the Fifty Forward volunteer newsletter that featured me as a new volunteer in 2014:
And in July she used one of her photos of me in her article recruiting volunteers:
The same article/photo also appeared in the Mature Lifestyles of Tennessee magazine and their online site, August 2014
What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.
— Aristotle