I’m Here!

View out my front window.

I arrived sick which is unusual for me. Cleaning out my cottage at McKendree stirred up a lot of dust which is one of my worst allergies. Sore throat and coughing on the plane trip which was otherwise uneventful! Once here yesterday I starting opening bags, took the 8 minute walk to the Super Mercado for some basics like cereal for breakfast. Came back and went to bed at 6:30 PM and slept until about 6:00 the next morning, gently waking to the songs of tropical birds and the view above from my front window/door. I sipped hot tea watching the hills opposite ours.

Today I went back to the nearest Super Mercado which is a Farmer’s Cooperative that includes a little cafe. For lunch I had a ham & cheese sandwich because that was the only thing I knew how to order in Spanish. 🙂 This afternoon I did a load of laundry and had to use my Spanish English Dictionary to read all the dials on the washing machine.

The coughing and sore throat is mainly gone now, but my nose won’t quit running. So maybe another long night’s rest will help that too! At least all my bags are unpacked! But nothing exciting to report. Unless you call finding a millipede in my shower exciting! And everybody is celebrating Christmas until January 5 which may be when I start taking care of business. It is rest time for a week or so.

Millipede looking for water in the bathroom.

Merton’s Prayer of Abandonment

Arenal Volcano


I made this photo from the “Hanging Bridges” in the area in 2010. It is the most popular volcano because of its nearly perfect conical shape. It also reminds me of the strength and steadfastness of God in my life.

I just shared this on my spiritual blog called HIS SPIRIT which has been neglected lately with my focus on Costa Rica (and no longer using), but because it is as much about my move to Costa Rica and the risk so many here in Nashville think I am taking, I decided to share it on this blog too: 

As I am two days away from the move to Costa Rica, I am trusting God more and expecting Him to give me more purpose in life than I have felt in my simple volunteering in church and other places here in Nashville. And the fact that I don’t know everything that will happen is part of the adventure and excitement of the move. I am abandoning a lot of supposed security here in the states, though financially I know it will just get more difficult for me in the states. (And friends will still be friends from afar!) In the process of this thinking I was reminded of the poem/prayer by Thomas Merton which I may have shared somewhere earlier. I discovered it in 2012:

Prayer of Abandonment
Thomas Merton
My Lord God,
I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain
where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself,
and that I think I am following your will
does not mean I am actually doing so.
But I believe
the desire to please you
does in fact please you.
And I hope I have that desire
in all I am doing.
I hope
I will never do anything
apart from that desire.
And I know if I do this
you will lead me by the right road
though I may know nothing about it.
I will trust you always
though I may seem to be lost
and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear,
for you will never leave me
to face my perils alone.

Thanksgiving Plus Improved Numbers: 49.4, 49.6, 51.2, 48.8, and 46.8

“View from a Costa Rica Cloud Forest”
My photo from the September trip to Talamanca Mountains & Quetzales Park.

It is a THANKSGIVING time for me the way wonderful friends are loving on me as I’m about to leave! Tonight’s going away party at the apartment of Frances Carver was wonderful with super good food by her daughter Kay and help from her son-in-law Ed. They are such great friends and the time together was special!

And the numbers? Well those are this afternoon’s weights of the five suitcases with only one coming in over 50 pounds, so I’m about to get there as I continue to adjust and remove items like the iron skillet that I pulled today! Weird you think? Well it was the only cooking utensil I felt valuable enough to take, but they have utensils in the furnished apartment and I will be able to buy things like that there. The biggest adjustment in my suitcases today was taking the 26 pounds of file folders in my Tupperware-like file box out of a suitcase and shipping it via my Miami address. I’m hoping it will get there within a month! And worth the high price I’m paying! I guess what we choose to keep or take with us on a downsizing move like this tells a lot about our priorities.  🙂

I sold my car Friday and Monday I am wiring more than 20% of the income from it to the Costa Rica shipping company as a “deposit” on the shipping of the 57 boxes of art and books. Everybody wants my money now, but after getting settled and the residency paperwork behind me, that will hopefully slow down.

If you haven’t already signed up for the email version of this blog, do so now in the right panel near top and each new post will come to you as an email.

And by the way, I am so happy about President Obama’s announcement on Cuba where I hope to travel again, remembering my wonderful trip with AZAD two years ago. Now if congress will just get off their rear-ends and stop the stupid blockade, the U.S. might become a humanitarian country again. Oops! Getting political which I promised myself I would not in these blogs. But . . . I am looking forward to living in a country that has no enemies and no military or military industrial complex.  🙂

The Mailing Addresses

I don’t think I’ve shared them on the blog yet, though you may have received my new bus. card and Christmas post card with the new mailing addresses:

Charlie Doggett
Hacienda La Jacaranda
Atenas, Alajuela 20501


Charlie Doggett
PO Box 025-331
SJO 170066
Miami, FL 33102-5331

Charlie Doggett
6703 NW 7th St.
SJO 170066
Miami, FL 33126-6007

If interested in knowing, these two Miami addresses are with Aero Post or Aero Casillas in Spanish, which is a courier service helping residents of all of Central and South America to have a U.S. address which is needed for some internet orders and other purposes. They fly to San Jose (the SJO code in the address) once a week with accumulated mail and packages and take it to my nearest Aero Post desk which happens to be in the town of Alajuela in the same province as me, also Alajuela. It is also the location town for the International Airport and about 20 minute drive from where I will live.

One of the two young men who came in a truck to pick up my boxes for Craters and Freighters of Nashville today was born in Alajuela and lived there until age 7 when his parents brought him to Nashville. Now how about that for a coincidence! 

The Joy and Grace of Friends! And Let’s try Skype!

Collared Redstart
I photographed at Trogon Lodge in September
Also call the collared whitestart, it is a
tropical New World warbler endemic to the
mountains of Costa Rica and western Panama. 

Not only am I on the plane in 9 days, and my boxes were picked up today for shipping to Costa Rica, but the last few days have been an outpouring of love from friends here in Nashville, my home and family for the last 38 years! The Senior Adult SAALT Council at First Baptist gave me the biggest party at their last meeting with fun gifts and a beautiful cake by Kelly Porch with a camera and Costa Rica Flag on it! The Spanish Class sent me off last Thursday also and Saturday a party with my Sunday school class. The Christmas cards are nearly all thank you notes and farewell cards on top of Christmas Joy plus other farewells here at McKendree. One family takes me to lunch tomorrow and Saturday night a dear 91 year old lady friend is giving me a little party in her apartment. I am blessed!

I’m overwhelmed with love and the grace that goes with it (unmerited favor). I could start feeling guilty about leaving such a great support group – my Nashville family! Yet I am following my heart and believe this is God’s will and a fitting climax to my life of adventure as I truly try to obey God, allow Him to be central in my life and simplify living to an experience that pleases Him and me! I’m already feeling a new freedom without so much stuff to keep up with! Hopefully there I will figure out a way to diminish the quantity of art and books which is what I shipped. And maybe even reduce the amount of clothing.  🙂

Email will be the best way to communicate or stay in touch with me along with reading my blogs and commenting on them. I have also added a Skype account which means free phone calls with those of you who are also on Skype. I have even added the extra feature of a phone number you can call from any phone, but there is a cost for me on that. The number is with a middle TN area code: 615-649-4486. If I’m not at my computer when you call, I think it goes to a recorded message. NOW IF YOU ARE ON SKYPE, LET’S SET A TIME TO PRACTICE BEFORE I’M OVERSEAS. Most of the nights between now and Christmas Eve are available except Saturday, but we need to agree on a time to both be online for it to work.

Chao! Hasta pronto on Skype!

Two Weeks from Today!

Yep, two weeks from today I fly to Costa Rica and spend my first night as a new resident! After going to a small church Christmas Eve Service. It doesn’t photograph like the Catholic Church on the Plaza which I hope to go pray in at times. Here’s two shots of it with part of our tour group crowding around.

Most Searched Travel Destination

According to Bing’s December 3 report on searches by people in the U.S. Costa Rica is the most

Sign on Playa Dominica

searched travel place in the world. Read the article. It also says that more U.S. citizens retire in Costa Rica than any other country. No surprise to me, but an interesting report.

These photos I made in August on our tour as we stopped by Dominica Beach in the South Pacific. I just liked their sign! This particular spot was near the mouth of a river, thus the drift wood abundance.

Playa Dominica

Hoping for a Christmas Tamal!

Christmas Tamal, photo from Inside Costa Rica

I’m hoping to get a Christmas Tamal (in Spanish that is singular for Tamale) this year on Christmas or maybe even Christmas Eve when I arrive. Tamales are the big thing for all families at Christmas in Costa Rica with most families having their own special recipe. Unlike the Mexican tamale that is small and wrapped in a corn husk, these are large as a full serving and include lots of vegetables along with some meat. They are also wrapped in a large green leaf, said to be banana leaves, but more often another kind of leaf. Read this article about Costa Rica Tamales in one of the Costa Rica English language newspapers today, Inside Costa Rica.

Double Trouble Background Check

Apostille on my Background Check

Better to laugh than cry or gripe! So here is the somewhat funny saga of the background check for my residency application and above is the Apostille that makes it official.

I got a good report in September and asked at the police station about getting an Apostille on it. They didn’t know what I was talking about and so dumb ol’ me decided that, well, maybe this doesn’t need one like the birth certificate did. So I accepted it as is and sent it on to my attorney in San Jose who didn’t look at my papers for a month. When I wrote and asked if all was okay, he wrote back saying I must have a background report and proof of income letter with Apostilles on them. Grrrr! But he said not to worry about the Social Security letter, the U.S. Embassy could do it in San Jose. But I must get a background check with Apostille.

So Monday I go back downtown to the Police Department Records Office with another $13 application for a background check. This time I told the guy what I must have. He still didn’t know what I was talking about, but did say he could have it notarized. I asked that he check with his supervisor about getting an Apostille. About 5 minutes later he came out with a sheet of paper from the TN Department of State outlining what I must do to get an Apostille on a public document:


  1. Take the public document to a Notary Public and have it notarized. Police Dept. did that. CHECK!
  2. Once it has been notarized, take it to the County Clerk where the above notary was commissioned and have that first notarization notarized. Yep! Have the notary notarized. So on to another part of town where I get the second notarization for a price of course! CHECK!
  3. Then take the complete set of papers to the Tennessee Secretary of State  in a tall building near the state capitol. The parking garage in this building is for employees only now that our government is so bloated. So I park in a public lot blocks away for $7 and walk through construction to the right building. Once I’m in the Snodgrass Building and up on the 6th floor, I wind through several office areas to the one with “Apostille” on their sign, and then it was a piece of cake! For just $2 they added the Apostille in less than 10 minutes. Quickest step in the whole process! And I am the proud holder of one correct set of documents for my residency application. CHECK! Whew! And in less than four hours!
To make it more fun, it was pouring down rain during the whole process as I went in and out of all these government buildings with a dripping wet umbrella. Fun! And to make it more interesting or coincidental, a young man was with me in the county clerk’s office also getting a notary notarized so he too could get an Apostille for some papers needed to take a temporary job in Australia. We met up again at the Secretary of State Office. 
Now for those who haven’t dealt with government bureaucracies in other countries, it is the same and often worse or more time consuming. In The Gambia I finally hired a part-time assistant to walk paperwork through government offices like this. Another reason I’m getting all of this done now, is it would be much more difficult from afar and I will be on public transportation there. Now you know what an Apostille looks like! It is in one sense a third notary by the state verifying that the document I present is legitimate. So make that three notaries!  🙂

Gunnera Insignis, “Poor Man’s Umbrella” (Sobrilla de Pobre), On Poas Volcano

The little ID photo of me in the right panel was made in front of one of these plants which can actually be used as an umbrella. The variety of plant life in Costa Rica is astounding! These particular plants grow only in the cloud forests or up on the side of mountains. When considering all plant and animal life in Costa Rica, there are more species than all of the U.S. and Canada combined and that is in a little country the size of West Virginia. Yes nature is one of the biggest draws for me! It is also interesting to note that this week Costa Rica celebrated 66 years without an army or military. It is the champion of peace-loving countries!