Another common bird here that is beginning to show up more in my garden. Birds are fascinating!
Continue reading “Gray-capped Flycatcher”Whirlabout Skipper
One of my favorite skippers has returned this year and here’s a couple of shots . . .
Check out all my Costa Rica Butterfly Galleries.
¡Pura Vida!
And don’t forget!
Art Show at 105 Roca Verde #2
This SATURDAY, 24 June, 9-12 am
Cash, PayPal or Bank Transfers only
5 Birds in the Canopy
With rain finally coming every afternoon, I’m also seeing a few more birds other than the Yigüirro (Clay-colored Thrush) singing his heart out to beg for rain says the tradition. Well, he finally succeeded, and though 5 species in one morning walk is an improvement, it is still not a lot of different birds compared to my past experience here. All were in the shadows of the canopy leaves of different trees with only this Yigüirro having direct light, but here’s the five birds I saw the other morning even if not good photos . . .
Continue reading “5 Birds in the Canopy”Recent Butterflies
Though I’m not seeing as many as last June, the variety of butterflies is slowly expanding in my garden. We got almost no rain in May and now it rains every afternoon, which is normal for rainy season, but if anything different this June it is maybe more rain than last year, which may or may not affect the number of butterflies. And I’m also getting fewer birds. Here’s photos of 5 different species seen in the last week.
Continue reading “Recent Butterflies”Juvenile Iguana Sunning
There seems to be more than one juvenile iguana, at different stages of development, living in or near my garden. I think that the main reason they climb my Cecropia/Guarumo Tree is to soak up the sunshine, which all reptiles need as cold-blooded creatures, but as a herbivore, he may also be eating from the leaves and flowers of this tree. The flowers of this tree are also popular with toucans which I’ve photographed in this same tree. Plus the toucans also eat young iguanas! 🙂
See my two Iguana Galleries:
I think these photos are of a Spiny-tailed, but juveniles of both species are similar, so I’m not certain.
¡Pura Vida!
And don’t forget!
Art Show at 105 Roca Verde #2
This SATURDAY, 24 June, 9-12 am
Cash, PayPal or Bank Transfers only.
Wall Art Available in Atenas
I will always prefer that you order wall art directly from my online Photo Gallery which is hosted by who uses professional printers to print each of these, whether on paper, canvas or my new preference of “Float-mounted Metal Print.” I ordered each of these from my gallery.
There are 11 new ones ordered especially for the new local gallery that did not get established, plus about that many more I already had. You can see them online in two places:
- Wall Art Images in a sub-gallery in my big Photo Gallery on SmugMug.
- Or on this website at: Art Gallery at My House, but you have to scroll down past the floral accent pillows which I listed first with wall art second. Everything available is presented there on one page, while in the galleries there is a separate sub-gallery for each category.
The feature photo is one of the bigger images, a sunset from Cancun with Costa Rica on that horizon! 🙂 And below is one of the four Red-eyed Tree Frog photos available.
¡Pura Vida!
Coffee & Art, June 24, 9-12 am
Come and Go as you please! – ¡Ven y Vete como quieras!
The Enchanting “Golden Shrimp”
One of my flowers that’s blooming well now that our rainy season finally started is what is popularly called the “Golden Shrimp” Flower or sometimes called the “Lollipop Plant” with the scientific name of “Pachystachys lutea” and Spanish names of “choclo de oro,” “camarón” o “Camarónes” en Costa Rica.
¡Pura Vida!
And a post on my Wall Art Metal Photos available next week in Atenas will be coming later today! In preparation for my June 24 one-man art show called “Coffee & Art,” 9-12 am, Saturday, June 24. Don’t miss it!
Ant on a Heliconia
I got a macro lens once and found it too much trouble to use and continued to use my 600mm zoom lens to catch tiny things like some of the butterflies and the other day I tried to capture this ant on a heliconia flower which is not real detailed but it was fun trying! 🙂
See my “More Insects” Gallery for more ants and other bugs!
¡Pura Vida!
My Blog/Website Stats for May 2023
1,000 visitors viewing 2,000 pages, writing 12 comments and giving my blog 80 likes (and only other WordPress Bloggers have a “like button.”) THANKS to all the many readers of this blog! And I’m especially thankful to those living in Costa Rica who read it! ¡Pura vida! 🙂
Art Gallery Did Not Materialize
The half dozen women putting together what was going to be a great art gallery in Atenas and I was to be one of the artists, gave up on all the setup costs and government regulations/taxes, etc. and just decided at the last minute (June 15 opening) that they will just not do it. I can understand their frustration, but it’s a big disappointment for me, especially since I’ve spent several thousand dollars on photo merchandise and even commissioned last week a big 30 cm wide basket to hold the accent pillows with my floral photos printed on them. But so goes life and I’ll figure out something to do with it all or give a lot of gifts. 🙂 And they may still do the Christmas Art Show!? If so, I’m ready! 🙂
Shop at My House!
And if you live in Atenas, call first (8410-9916), then come by my house and check out these gorgeous accent pillows, which I’ll sell from home now, along with greeting cards, coffee mugs, mouse pads, tote bags, T-shirts, and of course wall art photos! All below my cost! 🙂
As of today, 5 June, 2023, the 11 new Wall Art Metal Photos have not arrived for my pickup in Alajuela yet (Stuck in Customs!) and the only wall art immediately available are ones left over from the JIT Christmas Art Show. I’m hoping that the new Wall Art will be available when I go to Alajuela this Thursday and get the Mouse Pads that have arrived. BUT IF INTERESTED IN WALL ART, I suggest that you wait until next week and pray that Customs releases them soon! 🙂 But I do have 400 different 5×7 Greeting Cards which some people get several of for a wall “grouping” of similar images. Also, I am preparing an online photo inventory or “Atenas Gallery” of available photo items at my house with pictures, but that takes time and is not finished yet! 🙂 I will announce it here on the blog when completed.
¡Pura Vida!
Recent Butterflies
I’ve been way too busy in the past month and looking forward to slowing down and spending more time photographing nature! BUT, in all the recent “busy-ness” I did walk through parts of my gardens each morning and though early for the peak of butterflies here, I’ve seen quite a variety. Here’s5 or 6 different species in my gardens recently . . .
Continue reading “Recent Butterflies”My Blogging Pause & 2 Flowers
I mentioned earlier about being very busy with several projects like changing doctors, renewing residency, and helping start the new “Artenas Galleria” that all have seemingly taken the leisure from my life – but not for much longer! 🙂 This morning I had my leisurely 30 minute walk to El Fogon restaurant for an Avocado Toast breakfast before grocery shopping at La Coope across the street. and the two shots in this post are from my morning walks in the garden over the last week+, with more photos coming! 🙂
And the feature photo (at top online) is of one of the recently budded “Maracas” or “Shampoo Ginger” flowers that I will have even more of this year. They are coming just as the other Maraca plant (orange) in my front yard has its flowers dying out, so I have one of the Maraca plants blooming almost all of the time on one side of the house or the other! 🙂 I will share more flower shots later along with very few birds and butterflies the last week. We finally got a reasonably good rain yesterday afternoon, but this is starting out to be the driest “Rainy Season” in my 8.5 years here! And somewhere I read that much of the entire globe will be dryer this year, including Central America.
Continue reading “My Blogging Pause & 2 Flowers”