“Open Bird” Garden Art by Anthony Jeroski

“Open Bird” Garden Art by Anthony Jeroski, Garden of Charlie Doggett, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica, front door view.
Anthony just emailed another suggested name of “Holy Bird” for the holes in it, but holy has many other meanings for me.

Vertical View of Garden Art from front door.
Arrival View or First Impression from the Driveway
In some ways I like this view best – more subtle.

The fired clay sculpture was made of Costa Rican clay by my former next door neighbor Anthony and was fired at the University of Costa Rica the week before he left for his new art experiences in Spain. I wanted it to be like one of the flowers growing out of my garden. At first I looked for driftwood to mount it on but couldn’t find what I had in mind. Then I found this tree stump just tall enough to bring it up with the taller flowers. I think it is just right! Here it is on the stump before installed in the garden:

Once installed in the garden, it sort of looks like the bird is growing up out of the ground.
I got the stump at a rustic furniture shop, Muebles Rusticos
They mostly make rustic furniture out of items like this, including
the table I got there for my terrazzo between the two rocking chairs (next photo)
A place to sit drinks when sitting in the rocking chairs! Costa Rica loves it woods!
Most furniture and house ceilings are wood. And the rustics like this table are popular.
The car is last weekend’s rent car in my driveway in front of the garden.
I am so blessed to have found this house and to live so well for so much less than the retirement center in Nashville! Someone said they heard a rumor that I was moving back. What!? Do you think I’m crazy? I’m having more fun, living better, healthier and cheaper here than anywhere else in my life. Costa Rica is my home now! And I hope this same house for a long time! 

Little Yellow Sulphur

Little Yellow Sulphur is one of many yellow ones all around now.
Note that this is different than the other two yellow butterflies I’ve shown.
On my Plumbago flower, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica
May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun.
And find your shoulder to light on.
To bring you luck, happiness and riches.
Today, tomorrow and beyond.
An Irish Blessing

And I have a PHOTO GALLERY of Costa Rica Butterflies that you might enjoy. Peace & Love!

Common Rain Frog

Common Rain Frog (probably), though similar to Wet Forest Toad and
Rain Forest Toad. There are more frogs/toads here than anywhere, ID is difficult!
This one from my garden is waiting at my front door! About 3-5 inches, 10 cm. +/-
Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica
Click to enlarge photo.  A third the size of Giant Toad shown earlier.
Why are frogs so happy?
They eat whatever bugs them!
Ribbit, Ribbit

See also my “just beginning” Costa Rica Amphibians PHOTO GALLERY

Maraca Plant Added to Garden

Zerumbet Ginger, Maraca Plant in Costa Rica, and in other places
Shampoo Ginger or Pine Cone Ginger (links are to Google photos of flowers)
It is the tall plant, two spears now with the
little yellow flower on ground at base.
They grow 7 to 8 feet tall and can have
a large cluster of flowers at base.
Click photo links under top image.

I’m really excited about this addition to my garden which I requested in the beginning, but they are very difficult to find. They surprised me the other day! In a year or two it will be developed more with multiple shoots and multiple flowers. The flower starts small and yellow like this one and by October will be more like a pine cone and will have turned red or sometimes orange. This may be the neatest addition to my garden yet! A Heliconia plant was in that location and they moved it to my front yard for more color there! It is fun to live in a garden! Plus I start traveling next week.

The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses. ~Hanna Rion

Banded Peacock Butterfly

Banded Peacock Butterfly, Atenas, Costa Rica


Banded Peacock Butterfly, Atenas, Costa Rica
Banded Peacock Butterfly, Atenas, Costa Rica
Banded Peacock Butterfly, Atenas, Costa Rica

“and when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful.” ― Ruskin Bond, Scenes from a Writer’s Life

See my Costa Rica Butterflies Photo Gallery.


House Wren?

Well, actually it is a Rufous-naped Wren who happened to come inside my house!

Rufous-naped Wren, Atenas, Costa Rica
(On the back of the couch in my living room! Looking out the screen window.)
Rufous-naped Wren, Atenas, Costa Rica
Making himself at home on a drink coaster. This is what happens with doors left open.

Beside them the birds of the heavens dwell; they sing among the branches.

~Psalm 104:12 ESV 

Rufous-naped Wren, Atenas, Costa Rica
Singing outside my window in the Strangler Fig Tree

See also my Costa Rica Birds Photo Gallery.

Dione Juno Silverspot

Dione Juno Silverspot butterfly, Atenas, Costa Rica


Its top side looks much like a Julia, but underside (folded wings) different.
Sorry – not a good image, but only one made of top side.
Dione Juno Silverspot butterfly, Atenas, Costa Rica


Dione Juno Silverspot butterfly, Atenas, Costa Rica


Dione Juno Silverspot butterfly, Atenas, Costa Rica

My garden is getting to be about as good as one of these butterfly houses or farms! It has been like a new species every few days! But the book says June and July are the two best months for butterflies in Costa Rica, so this show may start tapering off soon! I’m enjoying it while I can and don’t miss my Costa Rica Butterflies Photo Gallery!

The average butterfly life is between 5 and 14 days. And I think I don’t have enough time?

The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
~Rabindranath Tagore

Enjoying the moments in Costa Rica!  -Charlie

2 Garden Additions Today

A stone-looking concrete bench (banca) by my garden door facing the garden.
I hide garden shoes under it, can sit and watch the butterflies (mariposas),
humming birds (colibríes), and toads (sapos). Sorry! Working on my vocabulario.

Also got a pot to match two others I have and planted a cluster of little palms
that will grow twice that high with nice looking palm fronds.

Night photos because I just thought to make them!  🙂  On cell phone of course!  You are welcome to come sit on my garden bench or balcony rocking chairs (sillas mecedora) any time!   Pura Vida!