A Pleasant Evening in Atenas, Costa Rica!

Overlooking my house on a cloudy sunset around 5:15.
 “And all is well on the western front!”  🙂
Yep, the sun shines from between 5 & 5:30 AM to the same in PM
Every day, year around – 12 hours of dark & 12 hours of light! Nice!
That’s because we are close to the equator. Same sunrise/sunset daily.

And to my fellow Americans, forgive me for saying I was ashamed last night. The election did not go the way I thought was best, but God just may have something much better in store for us! So today I posted on Facebook the following quote and Scripture verse that better reflects my faith:

“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.
So we will not fear when earthquakes come and
the mountains crumble into the sea.” Psalm 41:1
¡Pura Vida!

A Couple of Repeat Birds

Hoffman’s Woodpecker Female
In my garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica
A little better photo than one posted the other day.

White-Ringed Flycatcher
In My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica

White-Ringed Flycatcher
In My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica

And my BIRDS GALLERY online

Blue-crowned Motmot

Blue-crowned Motmot
In My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica

Blue-crowned Motmot
In My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica

The other day I told about missing a photo of a motmot, well at breakfast today I got one. Not my best shot with the cool tail partially hidden, but okay to be behind some leaves. 


The Missed Birds!

Many Pass Through this Dead Tree at end of my terrace.
Yesterday I had no camera when
two Keel-billed Toucans stopped momentarily & then up the hill!
and a few days ago
A Blue-crowned Motmot landed in this same tree, briefly!
Links are to one of my photos of that same bird made elsewhere.

I think the toucans were looking at my Cecropia Tree (Arbole Guarumo o Yagrumo) which is suppose to attract toucans. So far that is as close to the Cecropia as I have seen them yet. Eventually! Pura Vida!

The dead tree is soon to be cut down, so maybe that will make the Cecropia more appealing! 🙂
The Cecropia or Guarumo o Yagrumo Tree beside my terrace (a deck in the states).
And remember that I put Spanish words/names in red (when I remember).  🙂
Toucans love this tree, but mine is still young, so eventually it will get toucans.
And for the birds I did get photos of, see my BIRDS PHOTO GALLERY
Or maybe you would like more trees in my FLORA & FORESTS GALLERY

Anthony’s Gardens

On the hill behind my neighbor’s house he has this very full, lush garden that is more than camera shows!
Anthony has spent a lot of time and money making this full hillside garden next door.

And by his front door this nice garden in front of my house.

Anthony is a good neighbor for many reasons and his gardens are certainly one of those! Together we keep our landlord’s property looking good and we both use the same gardener to keep our yards up. If you live in Atenas, it is J&C Gardens or contact me to get the phone number or email address. We think they are very good.

Yes, this is the Anthony who made the garden-art clay bird in my garden though he does not have anything similar in his garden yet. He will eventually.

And there is my under construction FLORA & FORESTS photo gallery if interested.

Different View of Banded Skipper

Banded Skipper (Same one as two days ago)
Inside my house, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica

The one I posted two days ago (repeated below) that was on my living room screen is this same one above I believe. I found this one on the floor below the screen today. Many butterflies have short lives like that. But this view makes him look a lot different with the orange and white back wings showing. The white bars across the upper wings still make him like a banded skipper, but none in the books match nor any online. It is frustrating to not be able to label him! So maybe a new species?

Banded Skipper (I think)
Inside my house, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica

I lightened or brightened this second photo which was a dark as the first right out of camera. But you can see the markings are the same on his upper wings.

See my photo gallery of Costa Rica BUTTERFLIES

Banded Skipper

Banded Skipper Butterfly (Possibly Chisos or Spiked)
Inside my house, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica
What is throwing me on ID is the 6 spots on each side – None in book with 6!
They all have 0-3. And none indicate orange bulb on antennae.

And see my Photo Gallery for BUTTERFLIES in Costa Rica with 54 species!

Or my newest photo book My First 50 Butterflies in Costa Rica  you can preview online free!