Do all the good you can.

“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”       ~John Wesley

Children playing in Havana, Cuba

Last of My Biography Books

I have finally finished condensing many years of scrapbooks into 4 printed books. I also did a photo of each page of each original scrapbook. The original scrapbooks are all destroyed and I’m rid of about 30 boxes. My goal of simplifying life to little or no “stuff” has mostly been reached. Of course some stuff is needed and a few things you just want. But wow! It is a great feeling to not be loaded with so much stuff collected over a lifetime and now no one has to go through it when I die. 🙂 This last book is about 2006 to 2014 when I moved to Costa Rica:

Front cover
You can thumb through book online.


Portraits of an Atenas Parade (Post 3 of 3, Children Focus)

My third and last post on the Independence Day Parade 2016 in Atenas, focusing on Children:

You don’t have to be in the parade to enjoy it!

Two boys who watched the parade across from me. 

Watchers wear traditional clothing too!

Reluctantly in the parade.

Papa helps me see the parade better!

Carrying School Sign

A Tiny Watcher in Costume

Primary School Girls love to dress up! 

And boys love to play the drums!

And there were many drummers!

Role-playing a Farmer

And watching dressed as a farmer!

See All of the 2016 Independence Day Parade Photos in one place in my gallery.


I went for birds and photographed many plus a whole lot more!  🙂
And yes, we have lots of beaches this un-crowded on both coasts.
How can you not love it here?

Ginger is Gone


Got this email message from Jason/Athena today:

I got the call this morning. Moms gone. I wanted to let you know.

Need some time, but we can talk soon.

My simple reply back to my “lost” son:


Hope you are doing okay. 

You say when and I will call you on my phone bill. Talking is good. I’m still processing it myself. 

Love you, Dad.

We were married for 20 years, so it is still a loss with some deep emotions, even though we divorced 26 years ago and she was quite mean to me. She was the mother of my two precious children, Jason and Juli. The loss of Juli in 1997 was the greatest loss of my life, though the emotional loss of my son has been pretty great too. But who knows? This could be the beginning of a new adventure with Jason/Athena! Our relationship is still fragile but hopeful now. 

And whatever happens, God is good and I am happy with my life in Costa Rica! Pura Vida! Thanks for the encouragement several of you have given already! I choose not to share these personal feeling on Facebook. So thanks to those who read the blog!  🙂

I read and loved the Harry Potter series of 7 books and of course saw all the movies! I think they are the best books written for teens and pre-teens since C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien! I think J.K. Rowling is right up there with them in writing ability! (And she made more money!) BUT ANYWAY:

She said she would not continue the Harry Potter books further, but just came out with a play (in book form of course) that can now be seen in West End London and I expect in the states soon. So the play becomes the 8th book in the series as a continuation of the story (regardless what she said). I just finished it, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a very moving story of how the adult Harry feels he has failed one of his three children, a “different” son named Albus (with a tiny hint of possible gayness coming in future stories). The very exciting and dangerous adventure they participate in together brings the father and son together of course! Yet the play ends with their relationship still up to the two of them with the message that it is still fragile but hopeful now! Just a coincidence that I read it this week, but a nice coincidence in light of the possible new relationship with my son. AND MY LIFE CONTINUES TO BE A SURREAL ADVENTURE!

¡Pura Vida!
¡Dios es Bueno!


Mi fiesta de cumpleaños

For my Birthday Party this year I decided to host a hamburger cookout on my terrace, catered by my favorite hamburguesa restaurant in Atenas, Donde Bocha & Owner Michael Hernandez, Chef. ¡Muy Bueno! Two birthday cakes and two pinatas! Everyone had a lot of fun!

New Photo Gallery Under Construction

For many reasons I decided to move all my Costa Rica photos into a new photo gallery outside my old PBase gallery which for now I will keep for “history” or pre-Costa Rica photos as is. After checking out several possibilities, I chose as the host and I am working on a new gallery there that will be formatted more like a website I am calling:

Screen Print of Home Page  –  GO THERE NOW!

Please be patient. It is a long way from finished since I have to upload and label each individual photo one at a time. But I think you will like it when finished! You can simply BROWSE as on any website, but also with a powerful search engine you can SEARCH for and bring up all photos for say one place name or one bird, etc. In the case of birds, they are listed alphabetically by the English name, but with SEARCH you can get a lot of other combinations.

The GALLERIES of photos are organized first in FOLDERS by subject or theme such as “Birds” or “Vistas.”  In each gallery you can click the button SLIDESHOW for the best full screen viewing of those photos. Or PASS YOUR CURSOR OVER PHOTO FOR TITLE & LOCATION. Then at the bottom of each photo and top of each gallery is a button labeled BUY that takes you to a multitude of sizes and mediums to order a copy of the photo, from a regular 4×6 print or large wall hanger to a greeting card. Fun!

Changing the subject:

Interesting Article: Expats Moving to Costa Rica Discover Healthier Lifestyles!

Atenas Oxcart Parade Today!

And this small child stole the show as she led her toy oxen in pulling a toy oxcart!

In fact there seemed to be more of an emphasis on the children this year in what has always been a family affair to celebrate and remember the important part boyeros (oxcart drivers) played in the history of Costa Rica as the first land shippers of coffee and bananas to the two big port cities for shipment to the U.S. and Europe.

The parade still had the colorful oxcarts! And the big oxen!
And most included the whole family as usual. A Family farm affair!
But many were led by children this year as the Oxcart Leader or Boyero.

And a few even had young oxen!

While others had their hands full!

But all accepted their responsibility with pride! 
Goat Carts were in parade this year for the first time, led by kids of course!
Pun intended! 

And there are more Women Boyeros each year! 

And the whole time the Central Park is filled with tents, entertainers, arts & crafts, food & drink vendors, a playground, and plenty to do if you get bored with the parade.

A Rooster on Stilts!
and . . .

. . . and another on foot, representing Gollo, a big furniture/appliance store.

Someone leading the children in games before the parade started.
And of course all the food, drink, balloons, etc. available to buy! 

The parade always starts with police and horses, one carrying the
Costa Rica Flag:

Red, white and blue patriotism!

I watched the parade with 3 friends, Anthony, Jean and Carolyn and then afterwards we went to La Finca for pizza and pasta. A fun day! And if you want to see photos of the bigger oxen being led by men and other views, see my photos from last year’s parade at:  2015 Oxcart Parade  on this blog.

Another happy day in Costa Rica!

Tortuguero Toucans

Collared Aracari Toucan
Eating Papaya in the village of Tortuguero, Costa Rica
Black-mandibled Toucan
Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica
Keel-billed Toucan
At Park Headquarters
Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica
All photos by Charlie Doggett and copyrighted
It is late and I am tired as we got back home from Tortuguero at nearly dinner time and I had to water the gardens. I will add more photos from Tortuguero tomorrow and the following days. And I hope you are beginning to see why I like Tortuguero so much!  🙂    Pura Vida!

The Toucan by Shel Silverstein

Tell me who can
Catch a toucan?
Lou can.

Just how few can
Ride the toucan?
Two can.

What kind of goo can
Stick you to the toucan?
Glue can.

Who can write some
More about the toucan?
You can!