New Business Card

Well, not really “business” but “contact information” for people I relate to here and how to get to my photos and blog which is a little simpler with everything now at my website,   –   I like this card better than earlier ones!



No place is boring, if you’ve had a good night’s sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film.        ~Robert Adams


New CR Birds Photo Gallery

My Costa Rica Birds Gallery is still big with almost 270 species of birds included but is a little cleaner and easier to use now, especially for birders. Instead of one gallery with a jumble of 400 to 500 photos arranged alphabetically, it is now a folder with a SEPARATE GALLERY FOR EACH SPECIES so there is no longer the confusion of having multiple images of some species, but when you browse you will only look at one image of each species and then click it if you want to see that image larger or see multiple images of that bird. A separate gallery for each species. That will make it even more efficient as my collection of bird photos grows and gets better!

Plus birders will especially like that I have them ARRANGED BY FAMILIES or in the order found in the book The Birds of Costa Rica, A Field Guide. 

Go directly to my new bird gallery:   Costa Rica Birds by Species (269)

Emerald Toucanet — One of the 269 species in my new CR Birds gallery.


And you might want to know that I am uploading the full-size image here so you can DOWNLOAD ONE FOR FREE and use as you wish or PURCHASE A PHOTO (like the above Toucanet) as a “Card,” “Paper Print,” “Wall Art” print (I’m favoring high-gloss metal now) “Keepsake,” or “Phone Case.” It is a service of with multiple vendors at their prices with me getting only $1 per order which is okay with me because I’m retired now!  🙂 And not in business! At the bottom of each enlarged photo is a green button BUY for you to go to the purchase options. Check it out for all the neat options for some of my birds or other Costa Rica photos!

Flash Postscript!  2 of my photos made the final 10 cut for header of the Facebook Group Atenas Costa Rica Info  Mine are the Spanish Dancers & the Pink & Blue Sunset Mountains. For a header I prefer the sunset photo as better for type face going over it, but I do not expect to win, believing that either the orange tree or green landscape will win and of those two I prefer the landscape also because it is better for titles printing over it. Members of the facebook group vote for the new group header photo.

“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”
― Henri Cartier-Bresson

Hopefully I am beyond 10,000 by now!   🙂   ¡Pura Vida!

My New Toy: Macro Lens

Not the expensive one, just a simple Canon 100mm zoom, 1:28, Image Stabilizer (for hand-held) and auto focus. Here’s a few flowers with it and MY VERY FIRST HIBISCUS in my garden! I only recently got the plant which is slow-growing, but here’s the first bloom!


My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica


Once de Abril  (haven’t found an English name yet)
My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica


My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica


My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica


Red Ginger
My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica


Porter Weed
My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica

I think I did okay on close-ups of flowers before with a telephoto lens from a distance, but this is suppose to be better! It has the capability of a 1:1 ratio if I get close enough. Insects will be more difficult because they scare off, so I’ll probably continue with my 300 mm for them. Though, note the little tiny ant on the Porter Weed above.  🙂 And it is so nice having flowers blooming year around!

My Flora & Forests photo gallery