Fawn-spotted Skipper

A new butterfly for me and like most now, in my garden! 🙂 The Cymaenes trebius or common name of Fawn-spotted Skipper which I think was a poor choice (many others look more like fawns) but I didn’t make the names for these little jewels! 🙂 Here’s one photo and you can see all four of my shots in Fawn-spotted Skipper GALLERY or see photos that others have submitted from Central America, Mexico and South Texas in butterfliesandmoths.org where you too can submit your butterfly photos for research and sharing with the world! Please share!

Fawn-spotted Skipper, Cymaenes trebius, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

Buff-throated Saltator

One of four species of Saltators in Costa Rica, Buff-throated Saltator, Saltator maximus (my gallery link), is one of the more common species quietly eating fruit, berries and seeds in the trees from lowlands to 1800 meters on both slopes of Costa Rica and found from Mexico to South America. Read more about on eBird. Here’s 3 shots from my garden in Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica . . .

Buff-throated Saltator, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
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Banded Peacock Butterfly

The old regular Banded Peacock, Anartia fatima (linked to my gallery), is back and I will see him regularly now throughout the rainy season, one of the most numerous butterflies in my garden, but also seen all over Costa Rica as the above link to my gallery will show. These 4 shots are from two different days recently.

Banded Peacock Butterfly, Atenas, Costa Rica
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Wildness Disappearing

Well, at least close to towns like Atenas or anywhere within an hour or two from San Jose. But from my porch, or terrace they call it here, I zoomed in on one of the hills nearby that looked undeveloped. The only sign of humans seems to be one small or moderate-sized house at the end of a dirt road, which could be a cool place to live! 🙂

Zooming in on a Nearby Hill, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

Of course Costa Rica has more than 25% of all land protected as wilderness national parks, reserves, or wildlife refuges, but in the more populated Central Valley or anywhere near the capital of San Jose, development is growing rapidly. I am very much aware of how many more cars are on the streets and highways now than just 10 years ago! Plus there seems to be construction work somewhere all the time, even in little Atenas! So it was fun to zoom in on one of the Atenas hills and see only one small house! 🙂

See more of my Roca Verde Terrace Views in that gallery.

¡Pura Vida!

Red-spotted Scrub-Hairstreak

This Red-spotted Scrub-Hairstreak or Strymon ziba is another new species of butterflies for me! Also found only in Central America and southern Mexico. See more of him on butterfliesandmoths. Here’s one of my shots and you can see more in my gallery: Red-spotted Scrub-Hairstreak.

Red-spotted Scrub-Hairstreak, Strymon ziba, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!


Blurb is offering a flash sale on all my photo books for 3 days, April 21-23. Use the discount code:  FLASHAPRIL

Tropical Greenstreak

The Tropical Greenstreak, Cyanophrys herodotus, (linked to butterfliesandmoths) is another new species for me this year AND another one found only in Central America & Mexico! 🙂 It is also earlier than I had been getting new species in past years. This makes about 4 or 5 new species before the month of May this year, which surprises me because it is so hot and windy this year. But then, nature never ceases to surprise! 🙂 There are only a few more shots of this same tiny green fellow in my Tropical Greenstreak GALLERY, but I expect I will be adding more in the future. Heres 3 shots for the blog . . .

Tropical Greenstreak, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
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Garden Walk

Yes, I know, I’ve done this post before, several times, but every time the flowers are different and I see or photograph them differently. And this time it is a collection of favorite shots from the previous few weeks, late March and early April. Below this one shot for the email version is a gallery of 18 photos, all different flowers and species repeated only when each flower is quite different. Enjoy God’s beautiful jewels from my tropical Costa Rica garden 🙂 . . .

Continue reading “Garden Walk”

Dancing Swallowtails!

I’m not sure that I can explain why, but these Polydamas Swallowtails reminded me of flying acrobats or dancers as they swoop in and out of the flowers for their feeding. Fun to watch! 🙂 They are Polydamas Swallowtail, Battus polydamas (link to my Polydamas GALLERY with many more shots of their graceful flying and perching).

Polydamas Swallowtail en mi once de abril flores
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