Monkeys at Playa Mantas

I’m still working on my hundreds of photos of birds photographed on Rio Tarcoles Monday, so I will start with one of the last things we saw, a Troop of White-faced Capuchin Monkeys among the trees along Mantas Beach (Playa Mantas), which I first visited while staying at Hotel Punta Leona in March of 2019. The beach photo below was made then. 🙂 The hotel and resort development owns most of the land but the government says beaches cannot be private, so Walter took us to a little trail at the end of one street in the village of Punta Leona to get here, mainly for the monkeys and sloths. I did not get a sloth photo this time, but some of my Canadian friends did. To see more of these monkey photos, go to what will become a sub-gallery of this Trip Gallery: Playa Mantas Monkeys 2025 or if you want more, see my capuchins from all over CR in gallery: White-faced Capuchin Monkeys.

White-faced Capuchin Monkey, Playa Mantas, Punta Leona, Costa Rica
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And the Runners Up are . . .

Yesterday’s blog post was my 12 favorite photos of 2024, allowing myself only 2 pix for each of 6 categories. The Birds Category was the most difficult to narrow down, choosing a Toucan and a pair of Green Ibis. Here are the other 9 bird photos that made my next-to-last cut, presented in a static gallery below this one photo for the email notice of the post . . .

Inca Dove, Atenas
Continue reading “And the Runners Up are . . .”

Lots of Exotic Flowers!

And this featured photo is of a Natal Lily or Bush Lily – Clivia miniata that I have seen at only one other lodge, Playa Cativo in Puntarenas Province. Xandari has different flowers blooming every month, so you can expect different ones if you go at different times of the year. For this December trip my Xandari ’24 FLOWERS Gallery has photos of more than 30 species! Enjoy! And it is the first sub-gallery I have completed for this latest “Trip Gallery” that I will announce when finished. The Butterflies’ identifications are slowing me down this time! 🙂

Natal Lily or Bush Lily – Clivia miniata , Xandari Resort, Tacacori, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

And if you like flowers, check out all mine in the Flora & Forest Galleries. where there is a big gallery for just Xandari!

Flash News!

I finished the entire “Christmas at Xandari” GALLERY last night, so all my photos from this little 2-day retreat are ready to view! Click that link!

CLICK this image of first page to go to the gallery.

Seldom-seen Butterfly

This Yellow-patched Satyr or Starred Oxeo, Oxeoschistus tauropolis (my gallery link) is not one often reported on the scientific websites, and though I’ve seen it three times now, it was always in the same place! 🙂 This one on Christmas Day 2024, again at Xandari Resort which has always been one of my better butterfly locations.

Yellow-patched Satyr or Starred Oxeo, Oxeoschistus tauropolis, Xandari Resort, Tacacori, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Yellow-patched Satyr or Starred Oxeo, Oxeoschistus tauropolis, Xandari Resort, Tacacori, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Yellow-patched Satyr or Starred Oxeo, Oxeoschistus tauropolis, Xandari Resort, Tacacori, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

Philadelphia Vireo – A Lifer!

Yes, on Christmas Eve, in the tree by my terrace at Xandari, I photographed another new species for me! This Philadelphia Vireo, Vireo philadelphicus (linked to eBird) was identified by the Merlin app from eBird and is probably a non-breeding immigrant from Canada who passed through Philadelphia on his/her way to Costa Rica. 🙂

Philadelphia Vireo, Xandari Resort, Tacacori, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Philadelphia Vireo, Xandari Resort, Tacacori, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Philadelphia Vireo, Xandari Resort, Tacacori, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

Other Vireos, for you birders reading, that I’ve collected in Costa Rica linked to my photo galleries of each:

Cloudy Days Christmas Retreat . . .

. . . was a wonderful experience in spite of the “off-season weather!”

“A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.”

~William Arthur Ward

Christmas Eve Dinner was super good! 🙂
Fountains throughout the gardens.

Read on for more pix and about the grand experience I had with my wonderful friends who run Xandari Resort . . .

Continue reading “Cloudy Days Christmas Retreat . . .”

Tropical Kingbird

I remember seeing this bird on my first trip to Costa Rica back in 2009, down on the southern end of Osa Peninsula near Corcovado NP at Lookout Inn, Carata. He’s a handsome bird without the extravagant colors of many tropical birds. And now he’s a regular in my garden! 🙂 See more photos in my gallery for the Tropical Kingbird, Tyrannus melancholicus from literally all over Costa Rica and that first I saw is at the bottom of the gallery. 🙂

Tropical Kingbird, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Continue reading “Tropical Kingbird”

2nd Edition Hiking Guide!

Becoming world famous for hikers is the coast to coast (Atlantic to Pacific) hiking trail titled El Camino de Costa Rica (WEBSITE link), a 280 kilometer hike through forests, mountains, farms and small villages with many suggested overnight stays in homes, camping or even a few luxury hotels nearby. 🙂

Hiking Guide cover. CLICK image to see the book.
Continue reading “2nd Edition Hiking Guide!”

Differentiating Basilisks

Two of the four basilisks in Costa Rica are easy to identify, the Green or Emerald Basilisk is rather obvious! As is the Helmeted Basilisk! 🙂 But the two I have never been able to easily identify are the Basiliscus basiliscus, Common Basilisk and the Basiliscus vittatus, Striped or Brown Basilisk which is further complicated by many calling both Common Basilisk, all in Spanish of course! 🙂 Then colors and patterns vary according to local and age of the lizard, from baby to juvenile to immature adult to adult and of course some slight differences in the sexes. So, for years my gallery has had just one basket for all of “Common, Brown and Striped Basilisks,” even though the scientific names are two.

Brown or Striped Basilisk, Hotel Banana Azul, Playa Negra, Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Limón, Costa Rica

I now found a simple way to separate the two species and now have two separate galleries for the two scientific names. Thanks to iNaturalist Costa Rica, I suddenly realized that the easiest to identify difference is where they live! 🙂 One on the Caribbean Slope and one on the Pacific Slope.

The one in this photo made on the Caribbean Coast is a Brown or Striped Basilisk, Basiliscus vittatus (my gallery link). Note that even though most locals say one or the other (Brown or Striped), most books and websites use both for the common name of this one species, Basiliscus vittatus. And similarly, the Spanish common names are two, Basilisco Café or Basilisco Rayado, and the people on the Caribbean Slope often use a shortened name of “Common Basilisk” (“Basilisco Común“), even though that is the official common name of the one on the other coast! See my confusion about what to call these little lizards? 🙂

The one that is officially called Common Basilisk is Basiliscus basiliscus (my gallery link) and is found only on the Pacific Slope! The Spanish name for it is Lagarto Jesucristo Común, and thus the only one to legitimately use the name “Common Basilisk” (“Basilisco Común“). And by the way, even though only in the official Spanish common name of this one, both of these, plus the Green Basilisk, are regularly called “Jesus Christ Lizards,” because all three walk on water! 🙂

And if you are confused, welcome to the club! 🙂

¡Pura Vida!

I do have this photo in an “Other Wildlife” sub gallery of my trip gallery, though the bee I shared earlier is the only other good photo, with a so so one of Leafcutter Ants. Since I first wrote this I have completed the entire Trip Gallery! 🙂

5 “Lifer” Butterflies

I got only half as many butterfly species this October as I did in September of last year at Hotel Banana Azul (16 vs 33), but even then I photographed 5 new species for me, all kind of plain and brownish, and all but 1 Skippers. But they still add to my butterfly photo collection with now about 305 species in my Butterflies & Moths of Costa Rica Gallery. Here’s those 5 new species from my recent Caribe trip . . .

Gold-bordered Hairstreak (Rekoa palegon),
Hotel Banana Azul, Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Limón, Costa Rica
Continue reading “5 “Lifer” Butterflies”