Friday Sunrise Obliquely

There has been a wall of clouds on the horizon every morning but a higher wall this morning with some lightening strikes behind them, so not the best sunrise photos today. 🙂 The feature photo at top is looking southeast at the clouds and below is a silhouette of Brown Pelicans flying. Below that are my 5 shots from today in the order shot or seen on the beach.

Brown Pelicans Silhouetted.
Continue reading “Friday Sunrise Obliquely”

East Coast Sunset?

Welllll . . . sort of. The sun seemed to be setting in the northwest last night and by shooting north along the beach I got some reflected light in sky and lots of shadows from the rainforest trees on the beach. 🙂 Late afternoon is nice light anywhere and the sky is nice, even in the second shot where I shot due east over the Atlantic! But I probably won’t try that again here. It was not like Tambor Bay beach that curves and you can get both sunset and sunrise there if in the right places. 🙂 And here – I’m just a retired old man playing with my camera! 🙂

Shooting North
Shooting East

¡Pura Vida!

My Sunrises/Sunsets GALLERY.

Weird Butterfly

This is one of those tiny ones, the size of my thumbnail or smaller! I don’t have my butterfly book with me and could not find this one online. With the strange tail that looks like another head he is similar to the Silverline Butterflies found in Asia, but patterns are different. Maybe I will find him in the book when I get home.

Unidentified Tiny Butterfly

¡Pura Vida!

My Costa Rica Butterflies GALLERY.