I have been slow developing this page because of the heartbreak of divorce and feelings of failure in my family of marriage. But there is a lot to share – so be patient with me as I come to grips with my family and how best to share the stories, photos, etc.
And that feature photo above? Well, that boy on far right is my Grandfather Wood Doggett and thus the 2 adults my Great Grandparents, Margaret Goff & George Washington Doggett, around 1900 when they moved from Choctaw County, Alabama to Bradley County, Arkansas. Learn about them under Family History, the Doggett-Parnell Lines.
I want to make this information-rich, especially the family history, so look for much to be added here continually.
- 1938-39, Mom & Dad Courtship-Marriage (how this family began)
- 1939-40, First Year of Their Marriage & My Birth
- 1941-43 and Birth of Jerry
- 1944-46, Surviving World War II as Family
- 1946-47, Starting Over, Post-War Marianna & Pine Bluff
- 1947-55, El Dorado & Bonnie’s Birth
- Extended Family or Relatives
- My Life Formed in Small Towns
- 1955-58, The Adventure of Tulsa
- 1958-65, Separating from Family in Universities-Seminary
- Death of Mom 1988
- Death of Dad 1995
- Death of Jerry 2008
- Mom’s Page (with links to all the letters she saved)
- Dad’s Page
- Jerry’s Page
- Bonnie’s Page
- The Family that Shaped Me is Always Present
- Genographic Project Family Report (DNA)
- My FAMILY TREE on Ancestry.com If they allow you in without membership.
You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu
¡Pura Vida!
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