Crab’s Claw Heliconia

The rainy season is the big time for Heliconia flowers and this year in my garden they are massing on one side for some reason. I thought I would share what I see when I look out of my kitchen window while washing dishes! 🙂

Crab’s Claw Heliconia, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica.

¡Pura Vida!

Great Southern White

When I first came to Costa Rica, I had trouble identifying this species, but I’m relatively certain now, with specific characteristics: Turquoise tips on their antennae, yellow spot behind each eye and at joint of each hind wing, bluish-gray body, plus the dark brown or black “arrow-head” trim on the forward wings. The males are otherwise solid white while the females have a slight brownish hue to the white. You can see the differences in my Great Southern White Gallery. These photos are of a male. To help you see all the characteristics, I’ve included here from a recent sighting in my garden, 3 views: Top of wings, bottom of wings and a folded wings side view, the three views I try but seldom get when photographing all butterflies. 🙂

Side View, Folded Wings, Male Great Southern White, Atenas, Costa Rica
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2 New Daggerwing Butterflies Came Together

Walking back home from “Central” (what they call “downtown” here) along 8th Avenue in Barrio Boquerón, there were two bright orange butterflies that I thought were the same species, but later evaluating my cell phone photos of them on the computer, I realized the differences in the two species and my photo collection of 2 previous Daggerwings just doubled to 4! 🙂 Here’s one photo of each and you can go to my galleries to see the other shots, including one of the two together which is also the feature photo at top . . .

Ruddy Daggerwing, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Pale Daggerwing, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

And oh yes, those other two Daggerwings I photographed away from home on two different rainforest trips (1 north & 1 south) . . .

No end to cool butterflies here! 🙂

¡Pura Vida!

Tropical Buckeye

Another beautiful tropical butterfly that I first met in the Florida Everglades years ago, though a slightly different subspecies. This one found in Costa Rica is the Tropical Buckeye, Junonia evarete, (linked to my gallery) appearing from Florida & the Southwestern U.S. all the way down to Argentina. Here’s some recent shots of one in my garden . . .

Tropical Buckeye, Atenas, Costa Rica
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Mystical Cloudless Sulphur

For some reason, most of the big Yellows have been flying around up in the trees here and not down on the ground like other butterflies! 🙂 And of course there’s a natural explanation for every such phenomenon! I just don’t know it! 🙂

But the other day this female Cloudless Sulphur spent some time on the flowers in my garden and here are three fave photos from that experience. This first one below is where she looks like a fairy to me! 🙂 The second shot of her open wings is also the feature photo at top of this post online and it is interesting to note that only the females sometimes have those two brown spots on top of the wings. And the last photo is the most typical photo of a Cloudless Sulphur, showing a folded-wings side-view with the two prominent, imperfect double-white-circles used to identify a Cloudless Sulphur. No other Yellow has that! 🙂

Cloudless Sulphur female, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
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Rounded Metalmark

The Rounded Metalmark, Calephelis perditalis (my gallery link) is a tiny butterfly that has been a regular in my garden in the past, though this was the first one I’ve photographed since February, as we have entered a new greener rainy season. It is found from Central Texas south through Mexico & Central America. Just one photo here. See more in my above linked gallery or see what the Texas ones look like on butterfliesandmoths. 🙂

Rounded Metalmark, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

I’m scheduled to go to Xandari Resort in Alajuela tomorrow for just 2 nights and it has been one of my best butterfly places, so there may be a lot more different ones coming from there soon! 🙂

Yellow-rimmed Skipper

The Yellow-rimmed Skipper, Aethilla lavochrea (my gallery link where I have more photos from other sightings) is found from Mexico through Central America to Columbia, thus a mostly Central American butterfly and Costa Rica is central in it’s range. Evidently not many people are seeing and photographing this species, since most websites that even include it, have only 1 or 2 photos. Plus at butterfliesandmoths dot org all the photos are mine except for 1. 🙂 Here’s 3 photos from this April 2024 sighting . . .

Yellow-rimmed Skipper, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
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Tropical Checkered Skipper

The Tropical Checkered Skipper, Burnsius oileus, (my gallery link) is another fairly common butterfly in the past that has returned to my garden for this year. Here’s just one shot and you can see more in the above linked gallery. They are found along the U.S. Gulf Coast south to Argentina. See photos from other places on butterfliesandmoths.

Tropical Checkered Skipper, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

June 6-8, 2024 15% OFF flash sale on my photo books with the Discount Code JUNEFLASH15. Go to my bookstore at