What to do with your backpack?


Many major stores provide free lockers right inside the front door for you to secure your packages from other stores or your backpack or other big bag which makes shopping easier for you and gives them a little more security from shoplifting, which I understand seldom happens here.

This photo is of lockers at my primary supermarket, Coopeatenas, where I have left packages or my backpack, but not always. They do not require you to. And sometimes I use my backpack to carry my groceries. I’ve read that in Grecia most stores require you to check your bags. That is usually not the case in small town Atenas. People are mostly trusting of each other. The only store requiring it here is El Rayo, our “Dollar Store” with cheap Chinese stuff. Guess people shoplift cheap stuff! 🙂

I used this one at Coope today for a package from another shop and my umbrella. 

Trash Pickup

Step 1: Everyone has a metal basket in front of his house or compound.
This is the one for our compound, 3 homes.

Step 2: Twice a week we put bags of trash in basket. Only bags!
They will not pick up anything not in a bag! I cut up boxes & put in leaf bags.

Step 3: Twice a week in Roca Verde, thrice a week downtown, trucks pick up.
We have a bigger truck than this usually in Roca Verde. Still contract workers.