¡Pura Vida!
¡Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas!
¡Pura Vida!
¡Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas!
Palm fronds die and depart the trees year around as the tree constantly grows new fronds, but near the end of dry season it is either more often or just more noticeable with the bright greens changing to bright yellows or rich rust colors, like their final flower or “notice me” as they leave this world. 🙂
Continue reading “Burst of Departure Color”The light fog around this Rufous-tailed Hummingbird is maybe what provided a light purple background as a contrast to his bright green top – a nice compliment of colors! Nature as Art! 🙂
Continue reading “Hummingbird in the Fog”I leave this morning for a mid-day, 30 minute flight back to the Central Valley and will miss the beautiful sunrises of the east coast. Here’s 5 shots made of this morning’s sunrise . . .
Continue reading “Departure Sunrise”To me everything in nature is a work of art and that includes some very tiny any unusual insects. Here’s 5 or counting the little black dot in one photo, 6 insects that I cannot identify but are a part of the colorful nature found at Xandari Costa Rica.
Continue reading “Colorful Little Insects”“How beautiful the leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.”
~John Burroughs
I have already done one post on dead leaves, titled: Beauty in Death about the final days of a Heliconia leaf in my garden with one of my favorite photos. Then the above quote of John Burroughs and some cool dead leaves at Playa Cativo Lodge motivated me to move on with another dead leaf post! 🙂
Continue reading ““How beautiful the leaves grow old.””It is fortunate indeed to have neighbors who maintain their property so that all around them are in pleasant surroundings! 🙂 This is just one of the pleasant views uphill from my simple little “casita” rent house in Roca Verde. In spite of recently complaining about a favorite tree removed for a house under construction now (by my landlord), I generally have very pleasant surroundings where I live in the Roca Verde development of Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica known by it’s slogan “Mejor Clima del Mundo” or in English: “Best Weather in the World!” 🙂 A subjective opinion of course! 🙂
¡Pura Vida!
Browse my CR Flora & Forest Galleries.
This bougainvillea is in front of one of the houses I pass on one of my walk routes. This is the time of year for most bougainvillea to be at their peak in blooms and I enjoy the color on my walks! 🙂
¡Pura Vida!
More flowers in my Flora & Forest GALLERY.
Well — the house is now law offices and as you can see the yellow is actually flowers that fell off a tree, carpeting their yard, sidewalk and cars yellow. 🙂 Here’s shots from 4 angles . . .
Continue reading “House of Yellow Rain”From my Country Lane walk the other day I snapped these three slightly different small colorful flowers. I just learned that they are called San Rafaels here. (Thanks Shannon!)
Continue reading “Button Flowers”