Looking out my bus’ front window at others waiting for different buses. Coca Cola Bus Station, San Jose, Costa Rica |
For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.
Robert Louis Stevenson
I’ve already mentioned that I am traveling to my next adventure destination by public bus. For fellow travelers here or you in other countries planning to travel here on a budget, let me share one more help for this kind of travel. It is a Facebook Group Costa Rica by Bus. It is a free, public group but you have to join to be notified of postings.
The Robert Lous Stevenson quote above in on that group’s heading and possibly typical of the many young adults who like to travel all over Costa Rica.
I just posted a statement of how I changed my plan for this week, learned from Juan, my new helper at the bus station here in Atenas. Here it is in case you don’t see it there:
I learned a new trick today to make my bus traveling maybe a little easier, thanks to Juan at the Atenas Bus Station. I’m going to Tenorio Volcano National Park, closest town Bijagua. The online scheduler had me going from Atenas to Orotina, then on to Baranca where I catch the pass-through bus to Upala after a layover. Juan suggested that even though “back-tracking,” it would be easier, maybe quicker, and surer to go to San Jose where the Upala Bus starts. When I’m on that bus (seat guaranteed if early) I never have to get off or worry about missing a connection or waiting for a bus or having a seat. Since the Atenas & Upala stations in San Jose are close, I’m going to try that this trip. Any comments or suggestions? Or something I or Juan didn’t think of?
And I think I already shared the site where you can plan a schedule in English online:
http://thebusschedule.com/EN/cr/ To have it show my revised schedule above, I just add in the box “By way of” the words San Jose. And we will see if anyone comments on paragraph above. You can learn a lot from fellow-travelers!
There are many bus companies in Costa Rica and we have one in Atenas: http://www.coopetransatenas.com/
Most Atenas buses are nice modern vehicles like this Mercedes-Benz But most are not air-conditioned which really isn’t needed here. This one is German-made, others Korean or Chinese – all imported. Buses to very rural areas are sometimes old school buses. |
And if you want something else to ride a bus to, try San Jose’s Fiesta de Gallo Pinto.