My Costa Rican gardener has always called this flowering shrub “Once de Abril” as a local name honoring our one war hero who fought off the North American Rebels trying to turn Central America into another slave state in the 1800’s. Thanks to Google Lens & iNaturalist, I’ve discovered that it is “officially” . . .
Scientific Name = Duranta erecta
Common Names in English
- Golden Dewdrop
- Pigeon Berry
- Skyflower
Nombres comunes en español
- Coralillo (iNaturalist CR)
- Tala blanco (en Argentina)
- Flor celeste
- Fruta de iguana (I like this because my iguanas eat those yellow berries) 🙂
So there you have it for all the “official” names I could find! 🙂 Which like pretty much everything in nature, the only sure name is the scientific name and sometimes even that changes! 🙂
¡Pura Vida!
See all my flower photos in the Flora & Forest Galleries.