Crimson-fronted Parakeet

Crimson-fronted Parakeet

Okay, this one was not photographed from my balcony, but on the powerline along the road in front of our apartments. It is actually as big as a parrot (there are many kinds) but it is officially a Crimson-fronted Parakeet, the very largest of all parakeets! For those who know parrots, there is a Red-lored Parrot, I know, with red on his forehead like this, but, the eye is different, he has a more narrow strip of red on forehead with blue above that. Details keep identification fun and challenging! My earlier post of parakeets flying over was a smaller and different Sulphur-winged Parakeet. Parrots and parakeets generally stay together in flocks, but this fellow seems to be a loner or at least this afternoon for awhile. I heard him sing as I walked under him, stopped and snapped on my way home from lunch.

And I did not do a post last night because internet connection was too weak when I tried. But I’m trying to stick with one photo and one subject a day and this not great quality, zoomed-in phone photo is my choice today because it is a new bird for me.

After the Rain

An unusual Dry Season Rain moves over the mountains this afternoon.
It was the first rain in my nearly 8 weeks here. Rainy Season starts in May.


Sunset Saturday Night – No two Are alike!

All my maintenance issues were solved over a week ago and the management is really looking good for the apartment complex – but you know – even if they weren’t, I might want to stay here just for the views from my front porch! I’ve never had front porch views like this!

And if you start comparing and doubt they are all made from the same balcony, remember that I zoom in and out a lot AND occasionally use 3 photos merged, like the rain one at top here. For example, the large lone tree on the left in the top photo is the same tree barely protruding the skyline in the bottom photo, just smaller below. 🙂   Fun!   Pura Vida!


Front Drive & Back Neighbors

Front Drive from My Balcony – Fountain by Manager’s House & Pool

Today I stayed home and did laundry except for a training meeting for volunteers at the Atenas Chili Fiesta tomorrow. It started as a small chili cookoff by expats here in Atenas 8 years ago to raise money for Hogar de Vida, a Christian children’s home (orphanage) for abandoned and abused children just one block from our apartments. How neat!

Because I don’t speak Spanish well enough to work booths requiring communication, I was put on the Security Team. We will be posted around the perimeter of the Sabana Larga (bull fight arena and fair grounds facility). The only ones who showed up for the “training” was me and 5 teen boys from the New Summit Academy which is located directly behind our apartments. I hear their music and chatter some evenings but always before their 10 PM quiet time. I have often wanted to meet them or find out more about the school. I did today! 
It is a great special needs high school for just 30 students, all from the states, and I’m sure at a significant price for the parents. It is kind of a follow up school for wilderness programs like Outward Bound (as it was called in my day) and they are quite involved in the local community by volunteering like this and at places like Hogar de Vida. Those who know my relationship with special need schools know that I am excited to live next door to another really good one. Me and the boys will have fun being security together for tomorrow’s fiesta. Here’s the view of New Summit Academy from my back balcony or kitchen window and bedroom window. Now I’ve met these neighbors! And I already like them! 
Some Roofs of New Summit Academy behind My Apartment
seen through our Bamboo Forest & Where I Photograph Birds!

Another good day in Atenas, Costa Rica, where I keep finding good things happening in the land of Pura Vida! Pure Life!

Great-tailed Grackle

We have had large flocks of these guys and gals on our grounds for several days now.

Great-tailed Grackle MALE: iridescent blue back, large black tail, yellow eye.
Great-tailed Grackle FEMALE: brownish, same big tail and yellow eyes.

They are mostly ground feeders but do perch in trees and power lines. They are common all over Latin America and as far north as Texas in great numbers.

As most of the bird photos in this blog the were photographed from my apartment balcony. How fortunate I am! And you enlarge by clicking the image. 

International Pizza Party

Urs Entertains with his Harmonica! Jean Pierre on the left. 

One of the couples from Canada organized a pizza party tonight for residents of Hacienda La Jacaranda and 18 came to eat 10 large pizzas delivered from La Finca. Plus drinks and other foods were brought by residents. We got better acquainted,  had fun, and were well fed! We all chipped in to pay for the pizza. We used the “Rancho” or covered patio by the pool with a BBQ grill we will use for the next party.

Urs from Switzerland played his harmonica and there was lots of talking and a birthday party planned for Friday week, Friday the 13th! Gary will grill pork chops with all else potluck. The young Tico couple living here will bring the birthday cake, “something better than Tres Leches Cake.” They both work for Marriotts in opposite directions from Atenas, their halfway point. A Spanish couple (from Spain) who couldn’t make it tonight both work, him with a Spanish construction company building a dam nearby on Rio Tarcoles. Another couple has a two year old and he and his Mom came tonight. There is at least one more younger couple and some others more mature who are still working. The rest of us are retired. Me and an African American lawyer from Chicago are the only ones from the states. The others are from Canada, Spain, Switzerland, and a few I’m not sure about. Quite an interesting gang! At least 4 units are “snowbirds” who will leave in April.

The Pizza is Gone! But the Party Continues!

The Heavens and a Great Kiskadee!

The heavens declare the glory of God,

and the sky proclaims the work of His hands.   

Psalms 19:1 HCSB

January 31 Sunset from my Balcony – Right out of camera, no messing with it!

Today was spent in San Jose for a physical exam for Pricose Healthcare Insurance to get my application approved. Snapped a few shots on phone in San Jose, for later maybe. Also had a flock of Great-tailed Grackles on the lawn this afternoon that I’ll show later. First new bird in awhile! I did get a new and better shot of the Great Kiskadee yesterday on the back balcony of my neighbor’s apartment, so this one is for Urs & Ima from Switzerland:

Great Kiskadee

As always, click a photo to see it a little bit larger with more details.

Barrio Fatima

Our apartments seen from our neighborhood – Barrio Fatima.

Our apartments are on a large piece of property with a river on one side and some large property with no house visible on a second side. But the other two sides have houses as part of our Barrio (Spanish for neighborhood) called Fatima. This intrigues me because in West Africa the Mandinka usually named their first daughter Fatima. Their use is from the Arabic meaning “captivating” or “the shining one” and the name of the prophet Muhammad’s favorite daughter, Fatima Zahra. 

One Catholic website says that daughter of Muhammad, Fatima, converted to Christianity and that the Virgin Mary made an appearance in Fatima, Portugal, named after Muhammad’s daughter. Interesting! I think I will take “the shining one” until I learn the story of the neighborhood’s name. 
When I tell people in town where I live, many will say, “Oh yes, the large yellow apartments on the hill.” Shining light? The building is just 2 1/2 years old.

Like One Great Furnace Full of Melted Gold!

Sunset from my balcony last night, “like one great furnace full of melted gold.”

I borrowed my title from a line in C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew that I read today. I am re-reading The Chronicles of Narnia and in this first book the children see their first sunset in Narnia:

“…the western sky was all like one great furnace full of melted gold.

All sunsets aren’t like this but it sure is a “Praise God” moment when they are. Love it! And got another new bird today on the railing of my front balcony! Motivated me to clean the glass on the sliding glass doors.  🙂
Yellow-winged Vireo or maybe a Yellow Tyrannulet

I have a gallery of all birds photographed at the apartments if interested. Up to 13 now.

And for the serious birders, my collection over the years of Costa Rica Birds

ZOOAVE Yesterday

The animals are tucked into little nooks along trails like this.

Yesterday I spent more than two hours at an animal rescue organization’s beautiful little zoo only 20 minutes away from where I live. It is in La Garita, Costa Rica which I pass on the way to Alajuela. It is called  RESCATE ANIMAL zooave. That title link takes you to their website which can be viewed in English.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In 2020 this facility has been “rebranded” to eliminate the zoo concept and is now called Rescate Wildlife Rescue Center.

The zoo is a beautiful tropical garden good for two hours of walking just for the gardens. There are a lot of animals, mostly birds. The word “ave” is Spanish for bird and it is primarily a bird zoo, but there are monkeys and many other animals plus the wild animals like iguanas and squirrels stealing bird seed. And wild birds flying in and out.

Today we had a 2.5 hour meeting of residents with part of the new apartment management and the attorney for the owners in Holland. If they do everything they promised, I will be staying long term in these apartments. A former administrator is back and the new director is coming from Holland in a month or so. I like them both and the attorney. So things are looking better by the day! And had lunch with a couple from Canada at a little Italian restaurant in town. Keep finding new, good places to eat! Though places like this one have American prices.

The adventure continues! Pura Vida!

Lunch at Park Again & Two New Birds!

Looking out the Open Air Window of Don Tadeo’s at lunch Saturday,
Central Park is always a hub of activity for locals

I tried Don Tadeo’s Sports Bar and Grill for lunch yesterday and had a really good lunch of their day’s special, Lasagna and Salad, plus enjoyed watching these girls climb the tree and many other people socializing in Atenas Central Park, from teenagers stealing kisses to old men sitting and talking. It is what small town life in Costa Rica is.

I did not post this yesterday because our internet service was down until about noon today because some employee did not turn something on when needed. Management of the apartments is the biggest blip in my tropical paradise, but a new manager has been secured from Holland and hopefully he will be efficient! Patricia, the girl I’ve been working with, has already been let go. I wrote a letter to the new management with my issues and what it would take for me to sign a long-term lease. We will see. 
Now for yesterday’s birds, both new and Thrush from my front balcony with Wren seen from back balcony in a Mango Tree. As always, click to see larger image. And in my photo galleries there is one titled Birds Photographed at Apartment if you want to see all the birds I’ve photographed from my balconies, up to 12 now! This was something I had hoped for about the apartments, but the reality meets my expectation even if not Macaws or Toucans! For even more birds from Costa Rica and all of Central and South America, see the bigger gallery Central/South America Birds. and soon I will create a gallery for all of my Costa Rica Bird photos separate from these.
Clay-colored Thrush, formerly known as Clay-colored Robin

Rufous-naped Wren

Went to church this morning and the novelty has worn off. I’ve got to improve my Spanish a whole lot quick to fully worship and learn from the sermon. But I will keep loving the people! Today was the day that early and late services were combined into one at 9:00 AM and always two hours long! Today I slipped out quickly at end of service and walked to Central Park again and today ate by myself at Antano Restaurant, some great rice with vegetables and shrimp.

Came home and drank a Guanabana for desert. I buy the Guanabana (soursop) pulp at grocery store and mix it one part with three parts water or sometimes with milk for a really rich smoothie! It is a big green, spiny fruit with white meat inside that is usually used in a blender for yummy drinks. It is also known as the “cancer killer” in some circles for natural remedies.