One Step at a Time Park Remodeling

This morning I noticed that the builder’s screen was removed and the new concrete floor was being washed down with a water hose (even though it is raining today). It is taking shape and according to the architect drawings that outer ring of pipes/steel will have some kind of roof on it to protect at least part of the audience for concerts. And the bandshell roof will be painted with some kind of art, I hope the oxcart wheel version!   🙂

One step at a time is all it takes to get you there.

~Emily Dickinson

14 August 2019 Update

And to see all of my Central Park Remodeling Photos, there’s a gallery!   🙂   With dates on each stage of course!

¡Pura Vida!

Central Park Atenas Update (Very Slow!)

At Central Park today, one local old man who wanted to impress me with his Ingles, looked at me and said “Very slow!”  To that I replied “Muy despacio!” He went on to say something like “at this rate it will take years instead of months. ”  🙂

They are currently using a small hand mixer of concrete and wheelbarrows to make and pour the cement base to the central circle in and around the kiosk, one square at a time. Yes, there are cement trucks here that could come in and pour the whole floor in one day, after the forms are built of course. Maybe there is something romantic about doing it the old fashion way?


“All I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl.”

– Charlie Chaplin

¡Pura Vida!


POSTSCRIPT:  Earthquake!

Yep! Just a little while after I posted this I felt the whole house shake, like a giant stepped on the ground by the house. THEN – the “aftershock” or second shake was much larger and more violent. The neighbor dogs are still barking from it. Nine days ago we had one at 5 on the richter scale. A funny feeling!


Flying Saucer Has Landed!

Sorry guys! But it sort of looks like what we used to call a “Flying Saucer” in the States when UFOs were a big thing there!   🙂

Trim 1st then remove.

This is just my occasional UPDATE on the progress on the REMODELING OF CENTRAL PARK ATENAS – excruciatingly slow to me! This big round metal thing will be the “Kiosk” or Band Shell or Stage in the center of the park. (See link to pictures of it at bottom of post.) It will be great for “Theater in the Round.”

They still have to redo the landscaping and add new benches, picnic tables and some recreation items. Maybe the landscaping has started with the cutting down of several big trees. Hard to tell. And the underside of that kiosk roof is going to have artwork added, so still a ways to go there too. Here’s shots of 3 stages of the kiosk in the last 4 days – faster than usual progress:

25 June 2019
25 June 2019
28 June 2019

All images are cell phone photos by Charlie Doggett.


The city has  a Facebook Page presenting the remodeling with architect drawings of how they expect it to look. Nice! The vision of an architect! AND BEST VIEWED AS A MANUAL SLIDESHOW! Click on a picture, then the right or left arrows.

¡Pura Vida!

Park Renovation Progress?

Hard to prove it by me. They just keep welding pieces of metal on what will be the “Kiosk” or Bandshell and now they are trimming and taking out some trees, so that speaks to more of the garden renovation. We will see. It was originally going to be completed by the end of 2018 and now I think they will really have to speed up the work to get it done by the end of 2019!    🙂    I made these two photos yesterday, so up-to-date June 16, 2019!

The city has  a Facebook Page presenting the remodeling with architect drawings of what they expect it to look like – The New Central Park Atenas. Click on one of their pictures to enlarge it and begin a manual slideshow of the new park.

Are they pruning the old trees or will they be removed?

¡Pura Vida!

Central Park Bandshell Update

It continues to slowly progress even if not fast enough for impatient Americans!  🙂  The center circle (reddish steel) will be the actual stage and the big black circle is the covered part including audience covered seating. They have stopped work again this week so the city can have its annual Climate Fair and Oxcart Parade. They are using all of the space including a temporary round stage in the center. I’m not feeling great this week and opted to miss the festivities, so I will have no photos of the temporary use. Here’s also a photo of the safety signs for the workers on the site. Interesting.   🙂

Sorry its at an angle but I was shooting through a fence.


I had a “bad cold” or actually allergies due to the wind still blowing dust. Got that licked with some good medicine and good advice (close windows when wind blows) from my doctor’s young intern whom I really liked. Then I got up the wrong way from sitting and “popped” my lower back and now dealing with lower back pain. Saw my physical therapist who recommends stretching exercises of course!  🙂  So I kind of dropped the blog for a week or so with lower energy than usual. Next trip is 2 weeks away. Resting now!   🙂

I’m also working on my “Pre-Costa Rica Travel” photo galleries and just completed the gallery for my 2012 Tour of the Grand Canyon and Nearby Canyons. A good photo trip!

¡Pura Vida!