Whispering from Every Leaf . . .

“There is another alphabet, whispering from every leaf, singing from every river, shimmering from every sky.”

― Dejan Stojanovic

And I have always considered every leaf an individual work of art – O so many beautiful canvases!

Anthurium Leaf

Yesterday I was motivated by another blog to go photograph leaves. Below is that collection of 14 “Art Masterpieces” by God Himself! Fourteen totally different leaves in my garden . . .

Continue reading “Whispering from Every Leaf . . .”

Mid-day Walk “Leaf Collection”

Tuesday I had a morning doctor’s appointment in San Jose, getting back a little before noon and took a walk on my nearby “Country Lane” extension of 8th Ave. As I entered the road I asked myself, “What can I photograph today?” Almost immediately my eyes fell on a leaf! And so I tried to see how many different leaves I could make photos of with my cellphone. Here are 13 that were accessible and I purposely did not include fern fronds since I did a post on them last week, nor palm fronds because most are too high to reach with my cellphone! 🙂

Here’s one for the email and then you go to the full post for the gallery of 13 leaves!

A leaf growing alongside a country road.
Continue reading “Mid-day Walk “Leaf Collection””

Nature Unfolding

In October or November every year my Strangler Fig Tree or Ficus Tree locally looses all of its leaves in a week or two and immediately, before the last leaf falls, starts the replacement with new leaves, making beautiful picture of rebirth. The last time I blogged about it was in November 2015, called FALL? The Interesting Strangler Fig.

This year I decided to just focus on the growth of new leaves, the literal “Unfolding of Nature!” In Spanish the word for growth is crecimiento, which just sounds like what this tree is doing. 🙂

¡Pura Vida!

Check out my GALLERY Flora & Forest

Lichens, Leaves & Nature Things!

Some wonder what I do with a whole week at one of these very remote nature lodges I visit all over Costa Rica – well, a week is almost never enough time for me to see, experience and photograph all there is in these natural wonders! First priority at El Silencio Lodge & Reserve was waterfalls, then birds, butterflies, and on it goes through nature! Today’s collection is some of those little things like an ear-shaped lichen or a fiddlehead – the furled fronds of a young fern that were the inspiration of some of the colorful Oxcart designs used in this lodge and on the famous Oxcarts of Costa Rica. Enjoy a slide show of those and 23 other designs from nature . . .

Lichens, Leaves & Nature Things!

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. —John Lubbock

¡Pura Vida!

All of my Photo Galleries are Nature-related in Charlie Doggett’s COSTA RICA.

and I’m finished with the new Trip Gallery: El Silencio Lodge & Reserve or perhaps you would prefer to zero in on my Costa Rica FLORA & FOREST Gallery. ¡Buenas Dias!

¡Pura Vida!

Eye-candy Leaves

At least for me!
A Cecropia or Guarumo leaf with its exquisite shape, color and lighting in this case. Captivating to me.
Villa Blanca Cloud Forest Resort, San Ramon, Costa Rica

A dying banana or other tropical plant leaf
with its vibrancy of change in color, contrast and life/death
Villa Blanca Cloud Forest Resort, San Ramon, Costa Rica
On the Sidewalk
Atenas, Costa Rica

Recycling older photos that may or may not have been used on this blog. For more see

the photo gallery  FLORA & FOREST  that has more than just leaves!  🙂

¡Pura Vida!

Leaves As Art

Many Dead Leaves
were on the path walking through Cahuita National Park
and I decided they were beautiful, even “underfoot.”
Cahuita National Park, Caribe, Costa Rica

I forgot to share another category of photos made on this week’s trip. And I know, I pick strange things to photograph sometimes, but I think you might like this little sub-gallery in my trip gallery: 

A Photo Gallery
And yes, they were underfoot on the trail through the Cahuita Park. Since I wasn’t seeing many birds, I started noticing the different kinds of fallen leaves and even one flower which I have since learned is called a “Beach Hibiscus.” So that flower and this collection of leaves are a part of my memories of Cahuita National Park on the Caribbean Sea in Costa Rica! 
Beach HibiscusCahuita National Park, Caribe, Costa Rica

And see the full trip gallery called: 

Simply enjoying life and 
the great pleasures that come with it. 
~Karolina Kurkova
¡Pura Vida!