Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Charlie Doggett in Costa Rica!
And this unusual tropical flower I photographed at Arenal Observatory Lodge in Costa Rica is a Trimezia gracilis (scientific name), and in English variously “Walking Lily, Walking Iris, Apostle’s Iris or Apostle’s Plant.” One of my favorite photos of this year.

¡Pura Vida!

A Two-Day Christmas Celebration in Nature . . .

I’m spending today and tomorrow at Xandari Nature Resort in Alajuela as my Christmas celebration, so you can expect photos from there over the next few days! 🙂 The day after Christmas I go directly from Xandari early to Hospital Mexico for an ultrasound scan of my neck to continue monitoring any possible spread of the cancer removed 2.5 years ago. That and continued removal of small skin cancers (like the one on my nose in November) keep me totally cancer-free! ¡Gracias a dios! And this nature blog continues as always! 🙂

I’m also pleased with my nature-centered photo Christmas Cards over the ten years here and you can see all of those photos in the photo gallery “My Christmas Cards From Costa Rica” (linked). Just one more of my “Nature as Art” creative outlets! 🙂 Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

And Happy New Year!

¡Pura Vida!

See all 7 Years of Costa Rica Christmas Cards in a gallery! 🙂

December 24, 2020 is my 6 year anniversary here! But the first Christmas Card was sent before I left on Christmas Eve 2014 as a combination Christmas Greeting & Change of Address Card, thus 7 cards+ since I’ve designed two for some years. In fact, this is the second one for this year! 🙂

The featured photo is of a Red-eyed Tree Frog in Corcovado National Park while at Danta Corcovado Lodge using my cell phone at night. See my Red-eyed Tree Frog Gallery.

¡Pura Vida!

Merry Christmas!

Keel-billed Toucan visiting for breakfast – my home terrace one morning.

HAPPY, HAPPY – – – to you and your family, friends, and communities this Christmas! While some of you enjoy a White Christmas, I will be enjoying the beaches and rainforests of Manuel Antonio National Park and the private Wildlife Refuge of Si Como No Resort there.   – – – HAPPY, HAPPY!    🙂

¡Pura Vida!

Merry Christmas!

One of my photos of a Collared Aracari in Sarapiqui, Costa Rica — eating of course!  🙂

Or for a more traditional message and a different bird photo, see my Christmas card on Facebook.

And for more Costa Rica Birds see the photo gallery.

It is Christmas Time here! The children and teens are out of school and out of uniforms as the seniors graduated yesterday and summer vacation has started. Happy sounds! Schools begin a new year in February.

The rains have stopped and the wind is blowing; dry season is here. Soon some businesses will close for two weeks or more and when I get to the beach 22 December it will be crowded with more Ticos than foreign tourists.

My gardener team said goodbye today, “Hasta proxima anos!” They will see me next year. Mid December until January is vacation time for many people and even more so a family time. The week between Christmas and New Years Atenas will look like a ghost town with little going on beyond the always open super mercados and farmacias. Peaceful too! I will be gone on my trip to Tambor Bay December 22-27 and reporting in daily right here on this blog! (If internet connection!)

And hoping you have the joy and tranquility of Costa Rica during your Christmas celebration!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve Anniversary! One Year in Costa Rica!

Merry Christmas from my Terrace where I added Poinsettias to a potted palm.
A cell phone selfie.

And the poinsettias, well, they grow in some people’s yards! Year around!
And most of the people are loving and Christ-like year around. Always Christmas!
And I have been here a full year on Christmas Eve!
It is home now! Pura Vida!

AND TONIGHT I DID WHAT I WAS TOO SICK TO DO LAST CHRISTMAS EVE! I went to the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Lord’s Supper at Iglesia Biblica:

It started with some from the Spanish congregation singing two Christmas Songs in Spanish. Beautiful!
Then with the help of screens, we sang Christmas Carols, most with one verse in English & repeated in Spanish. Nice!
In between the carols the English pastor read portions of the Christmas story from Luke.

We ended with candle-lighting and singing of Silent Night.
Then to fellowship hall for punch and Christmas Cookies plus visiting.
I decided tonight to start attending regularly again, even though I still don’t care for praise bands
or all the Wednesday night Bible studies (too complicated to explain).
But I need the Christian fellowship!

And now that I am home it is noisy with Christmas eve celebrations around town. There are two competing concerts or singers plus fireworks. And last night it was a soccer match celebration. These are partying people here! Any excuse will work for a party!  🙂

I Wish You A Happy Christmas!

“It came without ribbons! It came without tags!
It came without packages, boxes or bags!
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before!
‘Maybe Christmas’ he thought, ‘doesn’t come from a store…
Maybe Christmas perhaps… means a little bit more!'”
– Dr. Seuss

Feliz Navidad!

Montezuma Oropendola photographed last week at Rancho Naturalista near Turrialba, Costa Rica. A favorite bird!

And if you like the Lineated Woodpecker better, I did a different photo card on my website:   Scroll down past the slide show for it. Have a Happy!