Mexican Sailor Butterfly

The Mexican Sailor, Dynamine postverta, (one book calls “Four-eyed Sailor”) is another new butterfly species for me and one of several in the Dynamine Genus. The only other one I’ve seen and photographed before this is the Pale Sailor,  Dynamine agacles core, (my gallery link) and I have seen it in three different locations on both slopes, including my garden once. They are a dainty and beautiful genus of butterflies with about a dozen different species in Central America, all with “sailor” in their common English name. 🙂

Here’s the only shot I got of this Mexican Sailor . . .

Mexican Sailor, Dynamine postverta, Maquenque Eco Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

Maquenque Eco Lodge Website