Mystery Insect

Yes, I too think it is probably one of the thousands of brown Skippers, but all the books and websites making ID dependent on the wing patterns with top and side views, this “in your face” photo does not help me to identify him! But I still thought it an interesting photo worth sharing! 🙂

Unidentified Insect, possibly a Skipper Butterfly, Atenas, Costa Rica

Depending on what you think it is, check out what else is in my Costa Rica Galleries on:

  • Butterflies & Moths, 216+ species
  • Other Insects, 82+ species
  • In both groups you will find lots more “Mystery Insects” or unidentified species. And anytime you think you know the identification of one of these unidentified photos, please CONTACT me!

¡Pura Vida!


The clouds yesterday were easier to photograph! This is what the late afternoon or early evening looked like – a wall of white 50 meters away – so that you cannot see the mountain or hill in 2 of the shots or the valley in the other shot. There is something mysterious and exciting about fog, though hard to capture in a photo.

“Foggy road is a blessing because it is full of surprises and life is such a road! We are incredibly lucky that we all have an unknowable future!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan


¡Pura Vida!

The Appeal of Mystery

My Corcovado Sunset from Luna Lodge – Click to view larger

There is so much I do not understand about the mysteries of life, of God, of nature, and now of Costa Rica, the Spanish language, and what life will be like when I start living there. And that is part of the Costa Rica appeal for me. Last night I discovered a great little quote that I just must share:

“I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.” 

— Harry Emerson Fosdick

In the summer of 1960 when I arrived early for my Tentmaker Summer Mission work in New York, I made a solo pilgrimage for the Sunday morning worship at Riverside Baptist Church in NYC and heard Harry Emerson Fosdick preach. I cannot remember the message but do remember being impressed by his wisdom and that it was the first time I had ever heard a Baptist preach in a robe. Ahhhh . . . and then there’s the mystery of growing up!  Mission trips and other travel brought that! And I’m still growing up!  🙂