Pink-spotted Cattleheart

There are around 20 or so species labeled “Cattleheart” that are simply a category of Swallowtails with a predominantly black body, the pink or red dots and shapes on the bottom edge of their wings, and various amounts and types of white trim that when I see one, I immediately think it is one of the many Cattlehearts, BUT, there are also around a dozen or so labeled some kind of Swallowtail, that also have the pink or red dots in different configurations. 🙂 Even one as a “Pink-spotted Swallowtail.” So the identification challenge continues, though I’m pretty confident with this ID of Pink-spotted Cattleheart, Parides photinus (linked to my gallery of them) because I’ve seen and photographed them several times and in two places (my garden & Villa Caletas in Jaco). Because I consider all 5 of these August shots unique, I’m including them all in a slide show below after this one shot for the email announcement . . .

Pink-spotted Cattleheart, Atenas, Costa Rica
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