Cloudy Days Christmas Retreat . . .

. . . was a wonderful experience in spite of the “off-season weather!”

“A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.”

~William Arthur Ward

Christmas Eve Dinner was super good! 🙂
Fountains throughout the gardens.

Read on for more pix and about the grand experience I had with my wonderful friends who run Xandari Resort . . .

Continue reading “Cloudy Days Christmas Retreat . . .”

Last Morning at Jungle Lodge

Heliconius Ismenius Clarescens 
 A regionally endemic butterfly found only in SW Costa Rica
Danta Corcovado Lodge, La Palma, Costa Rica

Golden-hooded Tanager
Danta Corcovado Lodge, La Palma, Costa Rica

Chestnut-sided Warbler
Danta Corcovado Lodge, La Palma, Costa Rica

Red-lored Parrot  Danta Corcovado Lodge, La Palma, Costa Rica

Pale-vented Pigeon
Danta Corcovado Lodge, La Palma, Costa Rica

Simple Trails Like This Led Me To . . . 

The Birding Canopy Tower
Danta Corcovado Lodge, La Palma, Costa Rica

Going early before breakfast gave me nice views as well as birds! 
 I went alone this morning compared to a group with guide on Wednesday.
 The birding tower is an excellent perk for birders who stay at
 Danta Corcovado Lodge, La Palma, Costa Rica

Lodge Office with Lobby to Left and Dining Room in the Background. 
See my photo gallery for more images of the lodge spaces and grounds.
 Danta Corcovado Lodge, La Palma, Costa Rica

The Last Trail Junction Before My Cabin 
I was in Gavilán (Hawk) Cabin
 Danta Corcovado Lodge, La Palma, Costa Rica

This lodge reminded me of the delightful days I spent at Boy Scout Camps as a boy, Camp Logoly near El Dorado, Arkansas and a whole summer while in college as staff on Camp Quapaw near Benton, Arkansas. There is nothing better than simple facilities totally emerged in nature! I have so many “favorite” places here in Costa Rica and this one is certainly near the top of the list! I will return in the future. And of course I hardily recommend it to anyone who loves nature and to my birding friends! After all, I found and photographed 4 “lifers” here or birds seen for the first time.! They were the Blue-crowned Manakin, Red-capped Manakin, White-shouldered Tanager, and the Scarlet-rumped Cacique.

I had intended to stay 5 nights but the airlines messed me up on that with only 4. Next time I will try again to stay longer and soak up the ambiance of this wonderful retreat! Another joy in being retired in Costa Rica! See more photos and all the birds & other animals in my TRIP Gallery:  2018 March 13-17 – Danta Corcovado. 
¡Pura Vida!