Common Mexican Tree Frog

While waiting on the guide to get our group together for the boat trip this morning on Rio San Carlos, I noticed someone photographing something in one of the flowerbeds in front of the dining room. I checked it out and got both front and side/back views of this Common Mexican Tree Frog because the flowerbed had a sidewalk on two sides. 🙂 Got a lot of photos on the boat trip, but these two were my favorites today!  🙂  And a new species for me too! 🙂 And notice how different his front and back are! It’s the same frog photographed on the same flower from two directions.

Common Mexican Tree Frog, Maquenque Eco Lodge & Reserve, Costa Rica
Common Mexican Tree Frog, Maquenque Eco Lodge & Reserve, Costa Rica

You can read more about this Mexican Tree Frog, (Smilisca baudinii) on Wikipedia. And to see more of my fun frog photos, including several other tree frogs, go to my Amphibians Costa Rica Galleries (50+). 🙂

¡Pura Vida!