Imagining Shapes in the Garden

Earthquake Tremors

Sometimes it is fun to look for something different as I walk through my garden, and yesterday I was looking for shapes, patterns or textures. Naturally, with different imaginations we all see different things, whether it be in the clouds or the plants! 🙂 So see what shapes, patterns or textures you find in these plant photos . . . (share in Comments if you wish) 🙂

Continue reading “Imagining Shapes in the Garden”

Art Gallery of Nature

This morning after breakfast on the terrace I walked through my garden searching for butterflies (got only one) and instead was attracted to the many shapes, colors and textures in my garden (as I often am) – a gallery of modern art! Of Nature as Art!  Enjoy what I saw through the slide show this morning:

Gallery of Nature as Art

Nature is the art of God.

~Dante Alighieri

For More “Nature as Art” see my gallery:   Charlie Doggett’s COSTA RICA    or to specifically find more like these, check out the sub gallery of the above main gallery called:    Flora & Forest Costa Rica.

And from my galleries you can download the digital files for free (down pointing arrow at bottom of enlarged image) or buy prints or wall art of the images (Click “Buy” button).

¡Pura Vida!