Turquoise-browed Motmot

It has been a long time since I’ve photographed one of these fave birds in my yard, so I was smiling when I photographed him in my back Nance Tree, uphill or above my roof. Then I went straight in the house and started processing the photos and this shot was my favorite, writing this blog post 12 days ago. The Esquinas trip got me ahead of schedule and I just may stay that way with good birds like this stopping by! 🙂

Turquoise-browed Motmot, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

We can regularly have two different species of motmots, this Turquoise-browed Motmot and the Lesson’s Motmot (both linked to eBird). The Lesson’s used to be called blue-crowned which was more descriptive, but there are reasons for name changes. And of course I have lots of photos of both in my galleries plus a few of the other 2 Motmots:

¡Pura Vida!