Many Pass Through this Dead Tree at end of my terrace. Yesterday I had no camera when two Keel-billed Toucans stopped momentarily & then up the hill! and a few days ago A Blue-crowned Motmot landed in this same tree, briefly! Links are to one of my photos of that same bird made elsewhere. |
I think the toucans were looking at my Cecropia Tree (Arbole Guarumo o Yagrumo) which is suppose to attract toucans. So far that is as close to the Cecropia as I have seen them yet. Eventually! Pura Vida!
The dead tree is soon to be cut down, so maybe that will make the Cecropia more appealing!
The Cecropia or Guarumo o Yagrumo Tree beside my terrace (a deck in the states). And remember that I put Spanish words/names in red (when I remember). Toucans love this tree, but mine is still young, so eventually it will get toucans. |
And for the birds I did get photos of, see my BIRDS PHOTO GALLERY
Or maybe you would like more trees in my FLORA & FORESTS GALLERY